
Showing posts from July, 2014

Confession time

I have to confess. I have zero idea how young parents do it these days. With so many things to grab little one's attention, they seem to flit from one thing to another. Gone are the days when they could focus on one thing at a time, its no wonder teachers and doctors over compensate and rule youngsters hyperactive! Here's my take on it. Now, mind you, this is only my opinion. I am not a medical professional, a therapist or any kind of expert apart from being Grandma Kitty. That said, little ones these days have waaaayyyy too much to grab their attention. Between the television, radio, video games, ipods and ipads, computers, not to mention the interactive toys, there's no way that kiddos can just use their imaginations. When my Granddaughters are here, we limit the television time, mostly because some of the show are more annoying and they don't watch them anyway. There is no computer time for them, but there is coloring, playing outside with the dogs, coloring th...

A revisit to Erma Bombeck

As I was doing my dusting today, which is not a daily occurrence mind you, I came across a poem that I hold near and dear to my heart. It was published on May 11, 1980 and its called The Special Mother by Erma Bombeck. As I watched my "Chatty Cathy" do her chores today, I really had to smile at God's sense of humor, or at the very most, His wisdom in bringing the Mouse into my life. Because of her presence, my life turned upside-down and, Praise God, it has not been the same since. When I found this poem initially, I was living in Denver and it had been reprinted in the local newspaper. Immediately I connected with the poem and sent her a letter, in care of the paper she syndicated out of, telling her how much the poem meant to me and thanking her. I received a letter back thanking me for my letter, signed by Erma Bombeck. It is still one of my treasured items. So, in honor of Erma, my Mouse and all of the Special Needs Moms and Kids, here is The Special Mother by Erm...