The "End of the World" is tomorrow....
Don't forget to lock your doors and take your keys. OK, that was a pretty dumb thing to say, but let's face it, so is the hype about "the end of the world". How many times in the last two hundred years have we heard just that? I mean, really! Nostradamus told us that the world was going to end July 1999. Miller told us the world was going to end on April 23, 1843. Pat Robertson said that the world would end in 1982, he's still making predictions and failing. Harold Camping said that the Judgement would be on September 6, 1994 and went on later to say that the Rapture would occur on May 21, 2011....we're still here. William Branham said that the world would end in 1977...he was killed by a drunk driver in 1965 and didn't get to see his failed prediction. The Mayan calendar, Haley's Comet, Hale-Bop comet, Branch Davidians, the list goes on and on. Truth is, the "art" of predicting the world's end has been going on since the Ministry