Sometimes silence is a good thing.
Yes, sometimes its a good thing, but there are definitely times when you should be suspicious. For instance: You have toddlers in your house. Silence is not a good thing. Silence with an occasional giggle is definitely time for alarm. Most likely you are going to walk into the next room to find: a) Powdered sugar/flour/cornstarch or some other necessary staple spread from here to breakfast, with little tiny, half naked "ghost" toddlers running, hiding and giggling up a storm. Time to break out the vacuum and bubble bath, or better yet, if its warm outside, break out the sprinkler and let them get the mess off themselves by running through it. Oh, but when whatever it is that they've gotten all over themselves is rinsed off, better break out the sunscreen...don't want sunburned "ghosts." b) Your best make-up spread all over the carpet. Of course said carpet is most likely white or light colored (might want to look into that dark brown your husband is so f...