New book, but not my normal stuff!
Well, I did it. I have another book out. But its not your run of the mill, L. A. Brown book. In fact, its not even a reading book. It's a coloring book. A mandala coloring book. Right now, and that will change hopefully in the next couple of days, its in e-book form, which means if you have a touch-screen, you touch and hold the object you want to print and a pop-up will appear. If you're using the computer, a right clicky-of-the-button will bring up the print option. Either way, you can print off the mandalas to your heart's desire and color away. Now, when the coloring book itself comes out, there are pictures only printed on one side of the page, the other is blank. Why? You ask? Good question, which deserves a good answer. Because, if you use markers or sharpies in your book, there will be bleed-through to the next page (the back of the picture), which would ruin whatever is on the back of the page. All of the mandalas are hand drawn by me, there are no computer i...