Broken-hearted and it's cancer's fault.
I'm beside myself. I can't imagine her not being here. Her body, I don't recognize, it has been ravished beyond recognition, but her eyes...I would know her in a heartbeat. My Cousin is dying, and I can't do anything about it but pray and tell her I love her. And cry. We had so many good times. One summer sticks in my mind like gorilla glue. I saw my first concert with her. Disneyland and Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods. We were pretty close to the stage, not the pit, obviously, but close enough to see their faces. I learned how to body surf on her watch that summer. I went to summer school with her one year, I think it was the same summer. We went to a local drug store with her Mom, and bought barrel pickles. I ate all of mine and half of hers and ralphed all over. My Aunt made me clean it up myself for eating the rest of my Cousin's pickle when I was warned not to. We listened to Paper Lace...The night Chicago Died, Billy Don't be a Hero. That was some ...