
Showing posts from July, 2017

On Charlie Gard and Parental Rights **updated**

I just read the most heartbreaking, and the most infuriating article that I think I've ever seen. And trust me, there's been a stink-load of them. I mean, seriously, the US does not have the patent apparently, on the crazy news. In case you missed it, although I'm not sure how, Charlie Gard's parents have given up. They believe they have missed the window of opportunity to try to get him treatment because his CT scans have shown grave degradation in his brain matter. The time has passed where they could even begin to think there would be any improvement whatsoever. That said...  the article that I just read had a paragraph that infuriated the tar out of me: " In a piece for   The Guardian   entitled   “Despite Charlie Gard’s Tragic Story, We Must Respect The Process Of Our Courts,”   UCL health professor, Ian Kennedy, expressed sympathy for the plight of Charlie, but ultimately justified it on the basis that “children do not belong to their parents.” …As ...

No, my book is not autobiographical...contrary to popular belief

Lately, jokingly, mind you, a friend questioned if Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady wasn't autobiographical. As much as I would love to have the farmhouse described therein, complete with wrap-around covered porch and decked out sunroom, I still have to say no, its 98% fabrication, with a smattering of past events thrown in just to make it more personable. So, why the question? Well, it seems that I have a "kitten drop-box" in my closet. Yeah, you read that right, a kitten drop-box.  Let me explain. A year or so ago (it all sort of blends sometimes), we had a tallow tree grow right beside the house and up through the eaves. Those are what are known here in Texas as trash trees or weed trees. The reason being is because they grow like 'em. It doesn't take more than a few weeks for them to get the strength and height to get to and through an eave.  The fact that we don't visit that side of the house that often (our drive-way is on the opposite side of the house...

All I can do is shake my head...

Wow. When I look around me, all I can do is shake my head. It's been a while since I've posted, I know, and I apologize. Lots has been going on and sitting down and writing has been something that I've had a problem doing. My thoughts have come out jumbled as if they just went through a blender. Until now. Trust me, there has been fodder out there for me to write about, but in the interest of keeping my witness about me and my sanity to boot, I've just stuck to what my mother used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." That said...I'm going to step out there and just let go. Since the Dr. Dao incident, I've been itching to get on here and say what I think. Well, I'm not commenting on that or any of the other incidents, sort of. Actually, I'm going to address all of them at the same time with my opinion, such as it is. Take it or leave it, it is what I think. We live in a "microwave" soc...