All the earth will shout Your praise...
As I was coming home from an appointment yesterday, I noticed something. I saw a grackle with its beak pointed skyward, and it was fluttering its wings. About that time, as I listened to my favorite radio station, KSBJ (gotta give a shout out to my friends there. ;) ), Great Are You Lord came on. Since I was a few cars behind and we had the red light, I got to bathe in that moment. You know, there are a lot of doubters out there as to whether or not there is a God. To me, it's a no-brainer, but some folks just can't wrap their brains around it. When I look at the trees, for instance, I see an intricate system, perfect in each and every way. Every cell, every molecule, every nuclei is perfectly formed to make sure that my crepe myrtle is beautiful every spring. Even the weeds have structure, much to most gardener's chagrin. Look at the butterfly. There's one whose wings are absolutely transparent apart from black outlines. When it moves to a green plant, it blends i...