
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Kaleidoscope

Today was choir practice, as is every Wednesday night. After we practice in the music suite, our Choir Leader shares a Bible verse or passage, and shows how to apply it to our lives. Generally, it is something that touches some of us, sometimes all of us, but rarely none of us. Today, I don't know if it touched anyone else but me, but this is what I got tonight. Technically, no specific verse was shared...if there was, I missed it because I was in awe of the message I got during the whole I'd say 5-10 minutes. What triggered it was two words: broken pieces. I found those words so profound, and then one word came to mind. Kaleidoscope. See, we all have broken pieces in our lives, whether it's family, friendships, work. There can be broken pieces that involve finances, health, and faith. The thing is, God sees and knows them all. In my mind's eye, I saw Him collecting them in His hand and then forming them into something amazing. Most of us are familiar with the chil...