Stay at home, Stay safe
By now, all of us world-wide are familiar with this phrase, or something similar. The world has been watching as first China was hit with this killer disease, then Italy, all of Europe, the Middle East, the US, Canada, Mexico, and ultimately, the entire world sans Antarctica. The Arctic and the Arctic Region have been hit with cases in Iceland, as have Alaska (which, while it is counted in the US count, it is considered part of the Arctic Region), Canada; the Northwest Territories, excluding Nunavut, the Yukon, and Labrador, Denmark, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and 23 Oblasts in Russia. Antarctica is the only continent that has zero cases of COVID-19. In many countries, the stay at home order was strictly enforced, after the virus went berserk. Italy is the most well-known of these countries, with deaths numbering in the thousands, and still rising. Spain is right on it's heels. The US is, per capita, doing better than most, if you can call a death c...