"Hair"; "Dem Bones";"Barney's Theme Song"; et al

Have you ever had a song so stuck in your head that no matter what you do you can't get it out? Happened to me this morning. I was reading a devotional this morning from www.GodSpeaks.com  and they were talking about Ezekiel's dry bones. That got me to thinking about all of the songs that get stuck in your head. Some are with fair warning, most are not. They're like fingernails on a chalkboard; they raise the hair on the back of your neck, make your skin crawl and some could even say that they make yours ears bleed. Of course, I've never had my ears bleed, but at those particular moments when a song that I absolutely despise comes into hearing range, it makes me wish that I had a head cold and couldn't hear anything. Yes, there are songs out there that I despise that much. Its not that they're bad songs, I'm sure that they have been written well, marketed superbly and sung like a Nightingale, I just can not stand them.

Case in point. When I was a junior in high school, Queen was highly popular. Up until that year, I would listen to their songs and go, 'eh' and move on. When they released "We Will Rock You" and "We Are The Champions" I thought my skin would crawl right off of my skeleton. Extreme? Yeah, but so was the exposure to those two songs. Not only were they played until the grooves were worn off of the vinyl at the local radio stations, but they were played at every baseball, basketball and football game we had. Add into that mix the assemblies that we were forced to attend and the exposure was intolerable. I learned that year to absolutely, without a doubt despise the band Queen. Then came disco.

For any real rock and roll fanatic, disco was the end of an era of music that you could connect with. The music was silly and the dances were sillier. Dress John Travolta up in some sequined puffy shirt and you have the pinnacle of the demise of music as we knew it. Sure, there were some fun songs if you wanted to ridicule disco, like Disco Duck and Rubber band Man, but for the most part it was intolerable. Until Techno came along.

With Techno came an interesting mix of technology and weird sounding stuff that thankfully was not long for this world. No offense to Devo and those who were like them, but after a week of listening to some of your stuff on the radio nonstop, anyone would want to remove every radio from the house.

As the years went by, there were different genres of music that just didn't suit my fancy and out of self preservation I avoided them like the plague. Still, some crept into my hearing range and damaged my psyche enough to never want to hear another piece from the group or musician no matter how much they improved or how famous they had become.

Towards the end of the Millennium and well into it we now have rap and hip hop. Someone just shoot me now. Please explain to me how someone who can't even carry a note in a bucket gets to be so famous for just speaking the lyrics that sometimes actually rhyme. I'm sorry, I have been exposed to music all of my life, through my friends, my parents, my teachers. I have played in orchestras; school bands; marching bands; stage bands and always there was music to lyrics and lyrics to music, with the occasional classical piece here and there.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love Will Smith the actor and his very talented family. Their acting skills are exceptional and I will watch their movies, parents and kids alike, just because I enjoy their acting. That said, when "I Whip my Hair Back and Forth" came out, well, let's put it this way I was checking the eastern skies to see if Jesus was returning because surely this was the end of the Earth as we knew it. Good grief! Can we get some music in there somewhere? And Astro on X-Factor? Help me.......

OK, understand that this is of course my opinion and everyone has theirs. I don't dislike anyone because of their music tastes or because they follow a certain band; if I did that, I wouldn't be married to my DH, nor would I ever talk to my youngest daughter again. No, instead, I politely as I can state that I do not like the song/artist/genre and move on. Or I'll make a face or roll my eyes...whichever is appropriate.

Which brings me back to my original thought; having music stuck in your head. Now that I've written this and have mentioned so many artists or songs that frazzle my last nerve, I have to find something to oxy-clean my brain to remove all of the erroneous songs that are bouncing into one another up there. Add into the mix Andrea singing so out of tune to her ipod and I might just have to have Calgon take me away....or maybe I can just snatch the keys out of my Hubby's hands as soon as he hits the door again....Hmmm...some retail therapy sounds really good right about now, as long as they don't have Muzak playing. =o)


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