
I've noticed something about my family line, especially the female side of it. We like our hair messed with. I don't understand that at all, but I have to tell you, that is probably the most relaxing thing for me. If I had the money to do it, I would go to the salon every day just to have my hair washed, the back of my neck massaged and my hair styled. Everyday!!

 Personally, I think I might be just a little weird. Just ask my BFF or my youngest daughter, they would be the first to volunteer any weird information just to back up the claim.

Anyway, I love to have my hair brushed, and Andrea loves brushing it. When I'm having a bad fibro day, the brush usually comes out and she's brushing it the wrong way or in my eyes or adding some strange looking barrette to it. The fastest way for me to lower my blood pressure is to have her brush my hair. Sometimes its my idea, but she's got pretty good instinct and usually can tell without me saying anything that the hurting has begun. Then she's behind me with the brush, giggling like Renfeld and chatting like you know what she's talking about. If I'm trying to concentrate on something, forget it, ain't happening.

My girls are like that to a point as well. Andrea not as much as Beth, but if you want Beth out like a light, brush her hair. Gone. Out. Zonkered.  Now, apparently that trait has been passed down another generation to my Khloe-Bug. Mama just figured out that washing her hair knocks her out....Oh, the joys of finding the wondrous things about your children out when they're babies. I found that in some cases, it has carried on into adult-hood, like the hair thing, in others well, not so much. I used to put my girls to sleep by rubbing the bridge of their noses slightly, mostly right at the curve up between the eyes. Relaxed them like you gave them a sleeping pill. Much cheaper and non-narcotic and it gives you some awesome bonding time.

Another thing that I have found that is relaxing, until Andrea gets in the act, is when someone draws with their finger on your back. Since I'm not ticklish it doesn't bother me much and it feels pretty good, until Andrea decides its fun to try to get me to jump, then it gets down-right annoying. Now if you do that to Andrea, draw on her back, that is, she giggles and squirms through the whole thing. Hmm, maybe I should just have her scratch my back instead. Much more relaxing and the temptation to tickle really isn't there.

While we're talking about things that raise eyebrows and make you go hmmm....I wonder if I can market back walking by my biggest fuzzball, Snickers. That girl walks on your back and as heavy as she is, she actually can work a kink or two out of your back without breaking a sweat; and she works for fish treats, too. Lol!

Well, this is going to be interactive for all y'all (that's Texas plural for everyone) in that I would like to hear what little thing relaxes you. Have a great night, all!


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