
OK, I couldn't come up with anything clever today for my title because everything that came to mind was sound effects! I am absolutely abuzz with anticipation right now, my foot won't stop moving and this is even before one cup of coffee has been even halfway drank. Praise God that I only have my carry-on to pack now because I would probably forget half of what I want to take with me.

Part of the problem, though, happens to be a hole in the eaves of my roof. Apparently, I want to think cats and not coons, found their way into my attic last night/this morning and were fighting and running into stuff and making a terrible noise up there. It woke me out of a (finally) sound sleep and I didn't sleep worth a hoot afterwards. I was even in my backyard with a flashlight at 430 this morning looking on the roof hoping that they were there instead of inside. When I walked back into the house, all eight cats were wide-eyed and staring at the access to the attic. Go figure. Chris, of course, slept through the whole stinking thing. So now, I wait until he gets up and goes up there with me to see what the damage is and to see if we can at least put some chicken wire on the hole for right now. Personally, I would go up there by myself, but my luck I would encounter a killer mouse and scream and try to run only to trip over duct-work and put a hole in the ceiling. Of course, that's pure speculation,  I wouldn't scream, I'd yip rather loudly.

Getting back to the day ahead of me....gosh! I have so much to do and most of it I really can't do until almost bedtime! I mean, I can pack the non-essential-I don't need it in the morning stuff like my laptop and my jeans after I wash them, but the rest I have to wait for in the morning. **sigh** I do have to get my prescriptions, but as far as anything else goes, I think I'm there. All of the baby's stuff is packed. All of my Punk's stuff is packed. All of my clothes but the ones going in the wash tonight are packed. Oh, wait, got to pack a dress for Easter Sunday, and the shoes...but other than that, its done.

Got the Rx's for the trip save one....let it be known that sometimes smooth sailing has a few waves tossed in, or maybe that's wakes. Either way, I have one small roadblock that is really only a pebble in the road, nothing major, just a pain in the neck to wait on. Now I book my passage on Al Nippon and tomorrow is set! Can we say excited? No, I haven't gone up into the attic yet, I'm putting that one off. Something about going up into that dust-filled environment is just not my cup of tea. However, with the total chickens with fur on that I have for cats jumping every time they go past the attic access, I am going to have to buck up and get it done sometime today. I keep thinking about my friend who had a raccoon in his attic that he just could not get rid of. Personally, if faced with a scared, trapped in my attic coon I think that I would much rather have animal control come in to get that baby. Call me chicken, but I'm not into rabies shots at this point in the game. As for my fur-chickens, herding them into one room will be a piece of cake, that's where they hide anyway.

Well, I need to do something productive rather than just sitting here and typing away, as its liable to be gibberish at any time now. I think after getting little stuff done, I will attempt to watch Grimm and settle in to the evening with the hopes that I won't be to wound up to sleep tonight. Next post from me will be from beautiful Japan! Woo Hoo!


  1. Sounds like an exciting adventure awaits! I can't wait to hear all about it! Love you! Prayers are going up for your safety!


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