Fast tracks are always exhausting

So, I'm on the fast track for my trip to Japan. This is really not a leisure trip, but I do get to meet my brand spanking new granddaughter and my year old granddaughter, oh, and of course my daughter and her husband. They're just there to make sure that I don't abscond with the two itty-bitties. Lol!

Anyway, I have been collecting a ton of stuff to take with me, but my problem right now the heck is this all going to fit?? Oh, and I have to have room for my clothes, too. I think I have the problem solved, I have a couple of those space bags, you know the ones that you take the sucker part of the vacuum hose to so that they shrink to a rock hard slab of plastic? Yeah, those. I have two of them and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to get more just to have room enough for my clothes. And  I have a big suitcase, big enough to stuff me in. OK, no cracks here, if I fold myself in half and unzip the extension part, I'll fit. Happy? So, back to the matter at hand. How do I stuff all of this in that bag and not over-exceed the weight limits? That's going to be tricky. I might have to invest in one of those hand held thingies that weigh the suitcase. Or I can just wing it, I can pretty much approximate the weight by picking it up. I can pick straight up off the floor 50 lbs., anything more than that its a little tougher. 75lbs and I have to probably have a back belt on and someone around to make sure that I don't go butt over teakettle. I don't really want to take more than the carry on and the big suitcase, I plan on pretty much staying close to the kid's apartment most of the time with the occasional break for Beth and getting her into the fresh (?) air. I fully don't expect to come back to the States with more than I went with.

Then there's the matter of trying to get the grandkids back home without mom and dad knowing...oh, wait, Kiddo reads this. Crud! Mission blown! Back to square one.

Can you tell that I'm excited? Bet you can't, can you? About the only thing that I'm not excited about is the 19 hours its going to take me to get from here to there. That's a lot of airplane time that my ankles are going to complain about. I had better make sure that there's an electric cart waiting for me when I get there, chances are that I won't be able to walk very far on grapefruits for ankles. Darned this fibromyalgia! Just the trip to take Andrea to Arizona was bad enough, I had tennis balls for ankles...16 hours in the air, 3 for a layover and 3 more in the air...yeah, the Munchkins are so worth it. I'm going to be pretty much useless until the swelling goes down, but after that, watch out! Grandma alert!! Hmmm...I'm looking at my numbers, all in all its going to be 22 hours from here to there. Gads. Good think I have a Nook, an Ipod Shuffle and probably some crocheting to do, otherwise I might get a little bored.

Wow! A different country! This is the first time I have ever been out of the Country. Nogales, Mexico doesn't count because I didn't need a passport then, number one, and all I had to do was take one step over a line to get into Mexico and shop for a couple of hours. Then I stepped back over the border line and walked to my car. Hardly a grand adventure, and the merchants are not as much fun to barter with as I thought they would be. But Japan?? Wow! I can hardly wait to see Mt. Fuji from the air and see the Japanese culture. I'm even learning some Japanese for this trip. Just the basics; How much? Please; Thank you; Good day and Where's the toilet? Over and above that, I think I might be on the way to bilingual. **snicker**  Oh, and I've also learned the phrase, "I'm in no hurry" fact, my dad and I were giggling about it while we waited for mom to get out of her doctor's appointment while I was there. He wanted to know what the word for "hurry" was. For the life of me, I can't remember because we were laughing so hard at the other phrase. OK, if you must know, the Japanese word for "I'm in no hurry" is "fukyuu" (foo-koo).  It still amuses me the look on mom's face when she saw it. As for Andrea, I think that she thought that her Grandpa and I were ripe candidates for the funny farm...she just kept shaking her head.

So, another grand adventure for me. Not so much humanitarian as the last, but fun nonetheless. I will keep all y'all updated while I'm there and post some pictures as well. In the meantime, can we say "Yee Haw"! OK, maybe not, but I can definitely say, Let's do this thing! Lol!

Have a great weekend and I will post again once I'm in the Orient! Oyasumi Nasai!


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