Gotta rest today!

Well, after three days of going, we are resting today. This is a good thing, my Little has a nasty cold and it will do her good to just lay around and sleep as much as she can. Good thing Stephen and I are around, we can take shifts taking care of the babies. Little Peanut is pretty much easy to take care of, Little Monkey is just that, a monkey; constantly going and getting into things and taking off.

Earlier today, I have to admit that I had a major giggle going. Beth's kitten, Raja, whom we now believe to be a boy, is a running terror. Since he's just a kitten, that is pretty normal, but he's constantly going, constantly running. With her wooden floors, it sounds like a "turd of hurdles" other words, it sounds like a twenty five pound cat is running the halls. Until he passes out from total exhaustion, this is get used to it, me, I'm pretty amused with the whole thing. Well, this morning, as Little Monkey was knocking about, talking to herself and the cat, I jumped when I heard the cat screeching. My first thought was that she was sitting on some part of the cat, if not all of him. I turned around from what I was doing in the kitchen to see her holding the cat by the tail and the cat using front wheel drive to try to get away from her. Since his butt was being suspended in mid-air, his rear wheel drive was disabled. I told her no, she let him go and I haven't seen him since. I figure he's hiding in the laundry room someplace.

As for the sibling rivalry, well, its alive and living in Little's house. When mama is holding the Peanut, the Monkey is acting out. When the baby is asleep, all is well in the world. Of course, mama knows exactly what the deal is, she has to deal with it on a daily basis...daddy however, is not so privy to that information, so I am assuming that this is something that he is thinking is privileged information, dealt out on a need to know basis. He has taken some time off after the birth of my Peanut, so he gets to see the actual day in and day out workings of the household and gets to understand that the times when Beth is exhausted its not because she's been on the computer all day or eating bon bons, the girl is running....constantly.

Anyway. So, the first day I was here was spent on base. I had to get my visitor's pass then we went to the on base thrift store. That place is a haven for stuff that was sent to folks that maybe didn't fit, wasn't liked or maybe had too much of . More than one time I found things with the tags still attached. After that, she had to get some stuff from the store, so we went to the commissary to pick up a couple of things. Then we tried to get my temporary pass, but the pass office was closed so we decided that was enough for the day. Home we came and chilled the rest of the day.

  Day two found us heading out to the zoo. Not being able to read Japanese of course, we found ourselves going the wrong way....straight up these inclines that would make the Matterhorn proud. These pups were steep! When we figured out that we were going against the flow, we made our way back down the hill and to a place where Beth could feed the Peanut. As for Monkey, Stephen and I, we were going to settle in for a coke and some shaved ice. Yeah, that was the plan at least. As I was twelve inches away from the table, my right foot found a part of the sidewalk that was less than bad ankle friendly. Yup, you guessed it...butt over teakettle right in front of the entire population of Okinawa. Took me a minute to regain my composure, then I found Stephen and at least two other people asking me if I was OK. Well, apart from the incredibly bruised pride, which, of course I am very surprised that I have any left to bruise, and the banged up left knee, I was OK. The cokes and shaved ice suffered a worse fate...they were now part of the landscape. **sigh** Lovely. Praise God that it didn't hinder the rest of the day, as we still had one more incline to climb and one more to go down before calling it a day.

After the debacle at the cafe, Beth and Monkey and I went to the petting zoo. Little Monkey found the goat interesting until it licked her, then the bet was off. We went in to see the rest of the animals and found scads of kiddoes, all laughing and giggling and elbowing each other to get to the small animals who were there to gain their attention. We went first to the rabbits, but she really wasn't sure about them, so her arm never left its side.

Next up were the guinea pigs. They seemed to be a little easier for her to deal with and a few tentative reaches later, success was achieved! She touched one. =o))
Then we were off to the chicks. Of course, another sign with drawings was offered that we had to laugh at.

Apparently it was along the lines of the "please don't squeeze the Charmin" commercial....please don't squeeze the chickies! These seemed to be even more interesting for her and she actually petted them and then tried to pluck it until we told her no.

After the petting zoo, we went to the rides where she had her first ever ride on a carousel. At first she wasn't so sure about this seat that was going up and down, but soon she found that it was fun and began to giggle the rest of the ride.

Finally, up our last hill, where the footprints on the ground encouraged us to take small steps to assist us in getting up the it.

After seeing the last of the animals, it was homeward bound for us and a very tired baby girl.After that, we headed over to the base and my temporary pass which will allow me on base with them for the duration of my stay in Okinawa.

Day three saw us head over to a fabric store so that Beth could pick out some material. She wants to learn how to make a puff quilt and wanted to get the stuff needed to do so. So, she and I headed over there and got the necessary materials, then headed home. After that, we headed to a bazaar and then the big BX on the island, then we headed home so that the big kiddoes could get ready for the date that they desperately needed. That left me with DUN DUN DUN!!! two babies! I had not dealt with a newborn by myself for quite some time and as for a toddler...yeah, that was a long time ago as well. Apart from the being over tired part, both girls were dolls and the kids got the much needed break time to enjoy each other's company sans munchkins.

So, as you can see, the last three days have been busy and rest is definitely needed. Beth is cuddled in with the baby and Little girl is pleading with her eyes to not let daddy put her down for a nap. Alas! I have to agree with daddy, Little Bit needs a nap.

Have a great day, everyone!


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