Trip to Okinawa - Part Two

Well, here we are, 1508 miles to Tokyo now, roughly about three hours more. It will be good to stretch my legs some apart from going to the bathroom. I see by the menu that we have breakfast (?) coming.  Hmm…at home its nine o’clock, hardly breakfast time. I think that we have the option of having a dinner-type meal, but I’m not sure of that. To me, it would seem appropriate, but then again, I think that I’d run out of appropriate once we crossed the International Date Line. I am officially in Wednesday late morning.  Perhaps, once I’m through customs and checked in for my Al Nippon flight that I will find something other than fruit to snack on. I brought fruit, but I am thinking that it won’t be allowed through customs, although I could be wrong. This customs thing is going to be interesting. Hopefully they speak good English as opposed to my severely lacking Japanese. So far, arigato, konishiwa……yeah, that’s all I’ve got so far. Praise God for a phrase book that speaks for me, otherwise it could be, Uhm, interesting.  I also have to remember to call my mobile carrier to try to get my phone unlocked. Every time I tried before I left the U.S., my phone cut off. Of course, I should have done this earlier, but being the procrastinator that I am, I didn’t remember until a friend of mine brought it up/reminded me. If I can’t do it, then I will have to just bite the bullet and not use my phone.  Good thing there’s skype.

So, I am finally on the plane headed to Okinawa, but now we get to sit on the tarmac to wait out the storm and the wind shears that are going across the island right now. Such fun. I took out the magazine and imagine my surprise to find it all in Japanese, I mean, what do I expect? This is Japan, after all! Lol! Seriously, though, this aircraft, although it is a 767 is a commuter. Yeah, I know, right? A 767??? Yeah, apparently it is usually filled pretty much, except tonight, thankfully. I ended up in the center section on the row of three, but it is empty enough that most everyone in coach got a row to themselves if they so desired. Once I figured out that the magazines would hold my interest for say, oh, two seconds, I decided that I would watch whatever video they had on during the flight.

So, we’re up and away and I am enthralled at a feature on this bird. The pilots turn on a camera somewhere forward of the nose gear so we got to watch as we taxied to our takeoff position and as we took off and got towards our cruising altitude. Then it was turned off and the flight path simulator was turned on. I watched that for a few minutes then decided that I was going to sleep for a couple of hours. Sitting in the seat I was in was a little uncomfortable, but only because there is little leg room. So, I moved myself to the center seat, buckled in, took off my shoes and zonked for two hours. About thirty minutes before landing I woke up. As I was heading to the bathroom, even though the cabin lights were still on, there was more than one snorer on that plane. There were maybe five people other than me and the FA’s that were awake.

The camera was turned back on during our approach into Naha Airport on Okinawa. It was awesome to watch the approach and landing, made me more and more excited to be here! Getting off and into the terminal I was struck at the sheer volume of orchids. When I go back through to come home, I will take some pictures so that you all can see what I mean.

Being one of the first to check in for the flight in Tokyo, my bag, of course, was one of the first to be loaded on the plane, and by the same token, one of the last to be taken off of the aircraft. However, that gave me quite the opportunity to people watch and it was quite amusing! There were about six Marines who were being transferred to Okinawa so all of their equipment and baggage was coming off. Then there was this little Japanese lady who was about four foot nothing wearing sandals with about a one inch wedge come running up to the bag belt to catch her bag as it was going around. As I stood there and watched with great amusement at her animated ways, she turned around and motioned at someone to “come here”. As I turned to look at who she may be motioning to, I spot this equally short little old Japanese man who is shuffling his way over there, rather slowly, definitely in no hurry to help mama-san. I turned around to see her drag off a suitcase that was bigger than her and with it centered on her body she duck-walked over to where she placed the other bag. I was watching her struggle with it and quite possibly the words that were coming out of her mouth towards who I assume was papa-san were most likely less than flattering. As she got the remaining bag off of the belt, her face was red from the anger that was apparent towards the old man, who by that time had reached the other two bags. He had had zero intention, I’m sure, of helping remove them from the belt, but to his credit had obtained a cart and was dutifully putting the bags on it, all the while being berated by mama-san. I couldn’t help but laugh quietly and shake my head.

My bag finally came off and I gathered it up and made my way out the doors to the waiting area. There I saw my handsome son-in-law waiting to take me back to his home and my Punky. I was so excited that I chattered the whole way, Praise God he was patient with me, I’m sure I must have been pretty much like Chatty Cathy. When I got to his home and loved on Beth, I then got to work removing all of the stuff that I had brought for them. We talked for a while then we settled in for the night. Wow! What an adventure and it’s only the first night! I can’t wait to see my baby girls in the morning!


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