Sometimes its best to just go back to bed....
Yup, close the blinds, pull the darkening curtains close the door and pull the covers over your head. That is the kind of day I've had so far and its not even noon yet. Couldn't sleep well last night and at six this morning I woke up to one of those awesome short trips to the tropics, i.e., hot flash. It sucks that my metabolism goes on vacation without me and only sends me the heat from there. **sigh** Tossed and turned until about six thirty and gave it up. I have a lot to do today anyway.
The plan was to get an early start on the laundry and start the dough for pirogis. So much for the best laid plans of mice and this Mama. The laundry I got started OK, but I had to take a break from getting it started to help mom who moved wrong. No biggie, three minutes out of the plan....I allowed for ten. Got the laundry going and started to plan the recipe for dinner. Sent a message to Chris to see if he had gone to the mechanic yet and found out that I should have probably let him call me, would have saved me a whole lot of blood pressure elevation.
What should have been a simple fix, well, lets put it this way...Murphy's Law is definitely in effect today. A simple fix of either a heat sensor or a thermostat quickly turned into pulling the transmission to check/replace the frost plug, replace the thermostat and replace the heat sensor; oh, and your computer might be whack. Livid is a mild word for what I was. With as much composure as I could muster I suggested that he tell them to fix what was broken and don't touch the computer, I will take it to Ford if necessary and let them deal with it. They touch it, I break their fingers when I get home. After a series of calls, one of which involved me coming unglued at the owner (who, by the way is not a mechanic, he knows me and knows that I like to know what is going on), he comes up with a 900+ dollar amount to fix the Mustang, with some off the wall explanation of the cost of labor, parts, pulling the tranny, replacing the frost plug, replacing the thermostat and the heat sensor for a total of 7+ hours. I lost it. I explained very slowly to him, so that I didn't completely lose my mind, that I wanted the one thing that really wasn't pinpointed yet (where the antifreeze leak was) pinpointed and fixed. If the car was still running hot, they were to call me and get my OK to do the other work. I gave him my phone number and hung up.
As Chris was walking home (we just live down the street from there....convenient if it isn't a million degrees out), he gets a call from his niece telling him that his dad is in the hospital. He calls me and asks if I can get out and come home. OK, time to lose it again. Here I am, 2000 miles away from home and I can't be there to calm him down, I need to be with mom to help with her recovery and I feel like I needed to be cloned right then and there so that I could take care of everyone who needs me. When it rains, it this case its raining cats and dogs plus a couple of parakeets. Once Chris is home, he is able to call his mom and get the low-down on his dad. He had a very small stroke that affected his left hand, but it was mild and he will be OK. He will be in the hospital for 72 hours for observation and then home. He was getting cranky with the doctors and technology which told us both that he's doing just fine and he wants to go home. I didn't need to come home just yet and he will keep me apprised of the situation. Praise God for him being cranky!
All in all, I still want to go back to bed, pull the covers over my head and block out the world. Its not really that I need a break from it all, I can do this, its just that I need to breathe because I think I've been holding my breath all day. I need the pattern that I paid for three days ago. I need my hair cut. I need another cup of coffee...I need chocolate....I need, I need. I need a nap maybe...or maybe that clone I was talking about earlier, but what I really need is everyone healthy, everyone in their places with smiles on their faces. I need the world to be right. Maybe, just maybe what I need is a God-sized hug and my Abba to say that its all going to be OK that He has it all under His control. =o)
The plan was to get an early start on the laundry and start the dough for pirogis. So much for the best laid plans of mice and this Mama. The laundry I got started OK, but I had to take a break from getting it started to help mom who moved wrong. No biggie, three minutes out of the plan....I allowed for ten. Got the laundry going and started to plan the recipe for dinner. Sent a message to Chris to see if he had gone to the mechanic yet and found out that I should have probably let him call me, would have saved me a whole lot of blood pressure elevation.
What should have been a simple fix, well, lets put it this way...Murphy's Law is definitely in effect today. A simple fix of either a heat sensor or a thermostat quickly turned into pulling the transmission to check/replace the frost plug, replace the thermostat and replace the heat sensor; oh, and your computer might be whack. Livid is a mild word for what I was. With as much composure as I could muster I suggested that he tell them to fix what was broken and don't touch the computer, I will take it to Ford if necessary and let them deal with it. They touch it, I break their fingers when I get home. After a series of calls, one of which involved me coming unglued at the owner (who, by the way is not a mechanic, he knows me and knows that I like to know what is going on), he comes up with a 900+ dollar amount to fix the Mustang, with some off the wall explanation of the cost of labor, parts, pulling the tranny, replacing the frost plug, replacing the thermostat and the heat sensor for a total of 7+ hours. I lost it. I explained very slowly to him, so that I didn't completely lose my mind, that I wanted the one thing that really wasn't pinpointed yet (where the antifreeze leak was) pinpointed and fixed. If the car was still running hot, they were to call me and get my OK to do the other work. I gave him my phone number and hung up.
As Chris was walking home (we just live down the street from there....convenient if it isn't a million degrees out), he gets a call from his niece telling him that his dad is in the hospital. He calls me and asks if I can get out and come home. OK, time to lose it again. Here I am, 2000 miles away from home and I can't be there to calm him down, I need to be with mom to help with her recovery and I feel like I needed to be cloned right then and there so that I could take care of everyone who needs me. When it rains, it this case its raining cats and dogs plus a couple of parakeets. Once Chris is home, he is able to call his mom and get the low-down on his dad. He had a very small stroke that affected his left hand, but it was mild and he will be OK. He will be in the hospital for 72 hours for observation and then home. He was getting cranky with the doctors and technology which told us both that he's doing just fine and he wants to go home. I didn't need to come home just yet and he will keep me apprised of the situation. Praise God for him being cranky!
All in all, I still want to go back to bed, pull the covers over my head and block out the world. Its not really that I need a break from it all, I can do this, its just that I need to breathe because I think I've been holding my breath all day. I need the pattern that I paid for three days ago. I need my hair cut. I need another cup of coffee...I need chocolate....I need, I need. I need a nap maybe...or maybe that clone I was talking about earlier, but what I really need is everyone healthy, everyone in their places with smiles on their faces. I need the world to be right. Maybe, just maybe what I need is a God-sized hug and my Abba to say that its all going to be OK that He has it all under His control. =o)
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