Its past midnight and I don't want to sleep....

...but I know I have to. Do you ever get into one of those moods that you don't want to do anything? Nothing? Zip? Zilch? Nada? Not even go to bed? I'm beat and yet the last thing I want to do right now is go to bed.

This week has been, well, Heck Week....the fibromyalgia has kicked into high gear and even laying down right now is uncomfortable. I need to sleep, but the thought of laying my whole body down and being uncomfortable is just not appealing. Its bad enough that the sleeves of my shirt are driving me buggy, but to add sheets on top of that, no thank you. Widget is even inquiring as to when I am going to decide to go to bed. His buggy little eyes are so sleepy right now, I know all he wants to do is go and make biscuits on the end of my bed and hunker down for the night...instead he's got his vulture mode know the one...the one where they find the highest perch near you and then they just hang their heads and stare at you. You have to love cats....

The others are just looking at me with this really ticked off look on their faces. I'm sure they just want to get to the nightly games of seeing which cat can get the highest off the ground and which one can get the most magazines/paper/miscellaneous other stuff on the ground. There's a couple who will just lay down and watch...they're more couch potatoes than Olympiads. Squirt is my high wire acrobat...if you hear him but don't see him, look on top of the door, he's usually balanced there or a towel rack somewhere.

But I still don't want to go to bed. There's nothing good on the boob tube, even with over 400+ channels...Facebook is relatively dead right now, the night owls haven't made it on there yet...yeah...I'm bored. I don't want to do any sewing because it might wake Andrea up, although somehow I doubt it. The only time that kid wakes up is a) we've pulled into the driveway, or b) the sun is up, or even possibly c) it's thundering outside, in which case you will hear that Frank is fired....again. She's not a big fan of thunder and rain. We've tried to tell her that the thunder is the angels bowling and the noise means one of them got a strike. That worked for a little while, now we just get eyes rolling and mumbling that Frank is still fired. She bends a little for the rain since it makes the grass grow and the flowers come out, but that's just about all its good for as far as she's concerned.

There's a tomato bug in the house. I hate those things...they fly at your face. The cats, however, are very much intrigued with the thing and are stalking it. One will finally prevail over it after all of the others have been flown at and have beat feet somewhere else, then one of them will yell, Bonsai!!! and take off after it, dismembering it in the process. I don't know which one does it, but I strongly suspect the quiet one, Dorrie. She seems to have that Jekyll/Hyde look to her sometimes.

I'm hoping that Advil will take some of this pain away, or at least enough for me to be able to change clothes and lay down without wishing that I had stayed up with the cats, or maybe read a book or something. I'd call one of my insomniac friends if I knew that I could talk without going in tight little circles and making their eyeballs spin in opposite directions and having them wish that they had not answered the would be good to sleep.

For crying out loud! Even the infomercials are ridiculously boring! I mean, how many times can you listen to clips of songs from the 50's...the same ones over and over again for sixty minutes? Wow....just wow. People really watch this stuff and are I'd watch the weather channel if they had anything entertaining at all, but you can get only so excited about Tropical Storm Debby and where on earth its going...poor Florida...they're getting soaked right now.

Well, I'm going to try some tea, maybe that will help some. Its a good thing that I don't have to get up early and go anywhere tomorrow, because at this rate, I'd either never make it or would still be awake enough to go and probably fall asleep behind the wheel on the way. Wish me luck, folks....hopefully the Sandman will head my way eventually.


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