Who I is and who I ain't......

Let's get something straight here. I am a Christian; a card carrying, Bible toting Christian. Yes, I have a Bible with me wherever I go, its an app on my phone and I use it....a lot. If you didn't know that before, you do now. If you stop following my blog because of it, then I won't stop you, even if I could.

I am not a hater. There are very very few people in this world that I hate. In fact, I can only think of two, and they, as well as God know the reasons. There is no reason for me to tell anyone else about it, at this point this issue is between me and God, and we're working on it.

I try not to be judgmental. I fail at that a good portion of the time. I'm human, I fail. When I'm judgmental verbally and am called on the carpet for it, I will try to explain why I am that way. Most times, I'm convicted in my opinion, whether by the person I'm speaking with or by the Holy Spirit, either way, I have to examine my motives and adjust where necessary.

I try to be fair. I don't always succeed in that department, either, but I do make a concerted effort to be as fair as possible. I try to put myself in the other person's shoes and think about how I would want to be treated. Again, I don't always do well there....another area that I'm working on.

Am I prejudiced? I try not to be. Sometimes it sneaks up on me and I have to beat it down with a stick. That really bugs the tar out of me, in some respects I grew up with a lot of it, so it is really a burr under my saddle and I don't like it, especially in myself. So, I would say no, and if I catch myself or if someone else catches me being such, then please let me know, but  be polite about it, OK?

Do I evangelize? Not as often as I should, I'm afraid. That seems to be a weak point in my walk. When I do evangelize I tend to get overly passionate with the person that I'm speaking to and have been told more than once that we need to agree to disagree. Do I dislike the person because they don't think like I do? I would be a lonely person indeed if I did that. So many of my friends, (ex) co-workers, relatives would be lost to me that I might as well become a hermit.

I am not a Pharisee and don't aspire to be one. I do not like not walking my talk. I know, those of you who know and love me know that there are times that my walk and my talk do not match. Again, I'm working on it...don't judge every Christian by my walk and by the same token, don't judge me by other Christian's walks. We all have the gift of choice and what is acceptable (in their eyes) may not acceptable in mine and vice verse. I strive to be like Jesus, I am just having the dickens of a time getting there. I acknowledge that I can not do it without God's help, and too many times I cry out asking for help after I've exhausted all of my own means to get there. Bottom line is, the only One to judge me is and should be God and the same for everyone else. We do, as Christians have the command to take care of our own house, so to speak, in that we are to watch our Brothers and Sisters and if they stray from the plotted course that God has laid out for us, then we are to gently steer them back. There are very few exceptions to that rule and only once or twice have I actually done that to another Christian that I'm aware of.

Do I love everyone? No, not really. As I stated above there are a couple of people that I do not like at all. I'm working on that. I like everyone otherwise, some I like more than others but I don't go around and tell them that their lifestyles are offensive to me so I don't want to associate with them. Let's get this straight. I have a BFF who is Wiccan. I have a relative who is transgender. I have friends and relatives who are addicts. I have relatives who are atheist, or at best agnostic. I have at least one friend who is Islam, another who is Buddhist, and another who is or was involved with a cult. Do I hate them? Absolutely not! I may not like their choices, and if we are to get into a conversation about those choices, it will be their decision, not mine and I would hope that it would be by the direction of God that we do, then I would be able to share my beliefs as well and I would hope that the conversation would be a good one all the way around. Hating them, not in my general DNA....agree with the lifestyles that they choose? Nope and they all know or should know that about me.

Bottom line is, I am not perfect. I never claimed to be perfect. If I were, I would have the body of oh, I don't know, an athlete or movie star or something....it surely wouldn't be the chunky one that I have now. If I were, I would have the face of a goddess instead of the chubby nose, wrinkles and jowls that are threatening to find their way to my neckline that I currently have. I would never get angry, frustrated, confused, offended. I would never cross the line, I would never question authority or talk back to my elders. In short, I would walk on water and not sink, which would mean that I was not in this world anymore and that I was with Christ for eternity. But, alas! I am still here, still imperfect and still moving forward in my life learning and making mistakes as I go along.

Who I is and who I ain't? I am a Daughter of the King of Kings. I am the daughter of my father, John and my mother Peggy...eldest in their line of Bradychoks. I am the wife of Christopher, the mother to Andrea and Bethany and surrogate to Lauren (if she will still have me. Lol!). I am mother-in-law to Stephen and Grandmother to Khloe and Devynn. I  am  human and therefore make mistakes. I am not judge nor jury to anyone and try hard not to be....I fail sometimes. I'm human. I do open my mouth and insert my foot more often than I would like to admit, but I will always try my best to tell you the truth if asked for it, and sometimes even when not asked for it. I will  help if I can, when asked and feel awfully guilty if I can't help in some way.

That is who I am. Take it or leave it.


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