Good morning world from sunny Okinawa!

Well, I thought that we had a tsunami warning this morning but it was cancelled, praise God! However, do pray for the folks in the Philippines, they got hit with a 7.9 earthquake last night, as if they didn't have enough damage to recover from lately. I have extended family there, so they are definitely on my mind and in my prayers.

So, since my last post, its been mostly rainy here until yesterday when we actually had some really nice weather. The girls and I went to the beach and I sat in the water sifting through sand looking for coral for over an hour and nothing...nada...not even a tan line. Go figure! Lol! However, I did find some really pretty coral pieces and a little fish kept swimming around my toes and coming close to my stomach and just checking me out. I would talk to it and it would swim away just to come back up to see what I was doing. It was awesome! I was laughing at it and praising God at the curiosity of that little bugger!

Khloe actually went with me into the water for a time. We sat on the edge of the water and let the waves lap at her tummy. She sat there and played with the sand until the waves got a little bigger and started to splash her in the face, then all bets were off. She wanted mama. Off we went to where mama was and a stick that was poking out of the sand. This was intriguing to her and she played with the stick for the rest of the time we were there. I will probably have Beth stop and get her a pail and shovel so that she can have fun safely with the sand and not worry about poking anything or anyone with the sharp sticks that she found yesterday. Today, the weather is even nicer so I am looking forward to hitting the beach again and watching Khloe play in the sand. Hopefully they have the jellyfish nets up today so that the girls can get some sea water on them!

My time here is almost up, I leave Thursday to go back home. It was nice that I was able to help Beth with her recovery and with Stephen leaving on his deployment until November. It was so tough for this little family this time when they separated, mostly because Khloe cried so hard at Daddy leaving. It broke my heart to see the looks on Beth's and Stephen's faces and to see how much Khloe wanted her Daddy to stay. She's fine now, but I imagine it will never be easy for any of them when he has to go on deployments or training missions from here on out.

I look forward to the next trip here because all of us, Chris, Andrea and I will be travelling here. It may be a bit crowded for all of us, but I think that it will be a lot of fun, and Andrea wants to see her Sissy, she misses her so. There are so many places to check out here that Andrea would go nuts over...all of the colors here would really get her attention and of course everything here seems to be cartooned so that's right up her alley. Who cares if she doesn't understand the language? =o))

Well, time to start our day. We have a few things to do before we head to the beach today, so we need to get our hineys in gear. Have a great Labor Day weekend, folks!


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