Live from soaking wet Okinawa!

So, here it is day four of being here helping out Beth with the kids after her surgery. For those of you who didn't know, she had to have a small gravel pit taken out, more commonly known as her gall bladder. Since this is a surgery, outpatient yes, but surgery nonetheless, she is not allowed to lift more than ten pounds.....both of the babies are over ten pounds. Plus for Grandma, minus for Mama. Anyway, what she didn't tell me on the phone is that I was going to experience my first Super Typhoon. I have to say, right now, after having experienced first Katrina and then Ike, I'm not impressed. For the moment there's just a lot of wind and rain, but I understand that in less than two hours the main nastiness of the typhoon will be hitting our corner of the Island.

I have been watching this storm, which is at this point seven hundred miles wide and a category 4 storm, on the satellite. Its a slow moving storm that seems to have stayed steady the entire time its been moving towards Okinawa and Korea, however I saw that it will probably be down to a category 3 by the time it hits Korea.

OK, with that background in mind, know that so far I haven't gone nuts. I love my granddaughters with all of my heart, but I've forgotten what babies and toddlers love to do....they push buttons. Not literally, mind you, like I do, but the emotional, psychological, non-visible buttons that I as a Grandma had forgotten about since its been about twenty one or two years since I had a major button pusher. That, as it happens, would have been my Granddaughter's mama, and Khloe, my oldest gem is a clone of her mama as far as the envelope pushing is concerned. She will stand right by my computer plug in the wall and watch me. If she thinks I'm not looking she will reach over, ever so slowly, and unplug it. Then she will nonchalantly run away. Or she will climb up in the dining room chair, watching me the whole time and either try to get up on the table or reach for something that she isn't supposed to have. When I change her diaper you would think that I just prepared to roast her.  She's not a bad girl, just one who will push her limits to see how far she can go without having to get acquainted with a time out chair. This afternoon, she was cruising the window sill that the couch sits under (its almost like a window seat its so wide), and almost made off with my Pepsi. Too bad for her that I'm more aware than she thinks I am.

The second day that I was here she was playing in the kitchen where her mama told her not to be. Beth has three trash cans, one for cans, one for bottles and glass and one for the gp trash. The gp trash was getting ready to go down to the garbage can so it's space in the kitchen cubby was vacant. Khloe was in there checking out the bottles and cans when I came around the corner. Let's just say that after I asked, in my Mommy voice, what she was doing in there that she hasn't gone back since. She is still smiling and coming to me and messing with me so I know that she doesn't hate me....she's just waiting for the perfect opportunity to ambush me, I just know it.

Devynn on the other hand loves her Grandma. Not getting the attention that she wants from mama? Yell louder and grandma will pick her up and play with her if for nothing else to see that adorable dimple in her right cheek. That kid will flirt with me until the cows come home and I'm just sucked right in. I will have to make a mental note that I'm a sucker for that dimple so that it doesn't come back to haunt me at a later date.

Now with all of that back story and for those of you who know, love and/or tolerate me, you know that I have a problem with kids that go nuts. I have always maintained that a good role of duct tape is the best defense for unruly children....I'm not sure where I deviated from that path with these two. Just let the kitten eyes show up on Khloe and I forget that I'm frustrated with her. The problem with that is, when I go to hug her and all she wants is to be out of trouble with me, she takes off giggling. I swear in her language I've been called a sucker at least ten times, and yet, my blood pressure hasn't risen and I'm still pretty calm. I must be losing my touch and I'm wondering what is in the air or food or water here that is making me a softy.

**sigh** So, now there's probably another 24 hours with this storm and 24 more hours to see if I lose my sanity. Somehow, I think that being a Grandma makes you more, oh, I don't know, tolerant of munchkins who like to push buttons. If I start to complain about excessive bruising in the next three to five days, you will know that she was looking for those vulnerable spots and pushing for all they're worth!

You've got to love those button pushing toddlers we call our Grandbabies! lol!


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