Apparently the universe doesn't like to be called out...

OK, so maybe I'm a bit of a masochist here, but I am finding out that the universe doesn't like to be called out and have pointed out that it can't win.

Yesterday after I wrote my blog, I found that little stuff was popping up. Mostly stuff to annoy me, but its the stuff that annoys me that usually gets me to forget my Walk and gets me to stray off of my goal of staying on Jesus' path. For instance: I was making desserts for my friend's auction yesterday. I saw what looked like an amazing recipe being made on Paula Deen's cooking show the day before so I decided that I would make it. You know, something different than basic cake and frosting, after all, if they're sitting there and "oohing and aahing" over this on the show it must be good, right? Well, after making the recipe and having a taste (I made cupcakes instead of the cake) I could imagine her taking a dishtowel to her tongue to get the taste out, it was that not good, and I followed the recipe to the letter.

Then, I got my Southern Living cookbook out to make a bundt cake instead....I want to know how come Southern Living doesn't have bundt cakes included in their recipes. On to Found a really easy bundt cake and proceeded to make it. When it came out of the oven I wasn't going to take the chance of it coming out like the cupcakes so I tested a small slice and found that I was good to go, twenty minutes before I had to leave. On the way I figure that I would stop at Target to see if they had a cheap ladle set. Sheesh! What was I thinking? Yeah, no ladles. Onward and upward. I got there twenty minutes late and had to hustle to finish setting things up.

Soooo, after all of that, my friend that is helping me with all of this has family drama and she's stressed. She has had two heart attacks in the last two years and I'm determined that she's not going to have one on me there, so I encourage her to take some breaks to cool down. By eight she looks like she just ran the Boston Marathon so she's encouraged to go home and get some rest since she has to work in the morning anyway. Just as soon as she left, the fibro kicks in. Right in the small of my back and is  pretty relentless....out comes the Advil. Thank God I was busy otherwise I would have been boo-hooing about the pain that the Advil isn't touching right about then.

As I'm cleaning up to go home, I drop my crock pot and it shatters in a million pieces. Yay. It was one of my favorite ones, one that I use during Super Bowl for my queso dip. Peachy. As I'm cleaning it up, one of the workers of the auction stops by and tells me that he wants to take me home so that I can clean his house. Not on a bet, I clean mine but its not with a happy face that I do. Housework is not one of the most exciting things that happen in my daily routine.

I finally get to go to bed and get some sleep. I figure that the universe has screwed with me enough for the day. Oh! How wrong I was! Not only did I sleep fitfully, but Widget, the only cat allowed at night in my room because all he does is sleep at my feet has decided that it is his mission in life to head butt me all night. At one point he decides that its playtime and bites the snot out of my index finger. Nice. Also, sometime during the night my right ear decides that its time to back up. This one came out of nowhere and that's when I realized that the universe hates me and wants to get even for my blog of yesterday. I now have a full blown ear infection, complete with diminished hearing and pain. Normally this would be the deciding factor as to whether or not I would go to Church this morning. Not today, because I'm ticked off now. Do not mess with a person who knows your agenda! Like I mentioned yesterday...Daughter of the King here....back off!

So, in just a few I will be heading to the shower to get ready for Church since I haven't been in a month thanks to all of the travelling that I have done. I will be overjoyed and blessed by the worship and the sermon and today will be a good day, regardless of the fact that there is an ear infection present. Tomorrow if it is still like this, I'll head to the doc to get some antibiotics, but as for today, I will rejoice and be glad in it! This is the day that the Lord has made!! =o)

Don't let the devil (universe) get you down, folks! Recognize it for what it is and call it out! Have a great and blessed week!


  1. Just as an aside...I was right about the worship and the sermon. The sermon itself was spot-on to what I needed to hear this morning, praise God! =o)) As for everything else (the universe), I had a massive hot flash right about the time my ear was flaring up and got dizzy, right in the middle of worship. Stayed anyway and was blessed by the sermon. This afternoon is finding me ready to wind down for the night and prepare for tomorrow, God willing. I stopped by an estate sale and found a few things that I might be able to auction off at a really good price. God is always ready to show up and show off! <3


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