Comparison shopping and such....
I've heard that saying, or variations of that saying most all of my life. I think that I heard it most in the seventies when my ability to shop on my own came into being.
As a kid, I remember that my dad always did the grocery shopping. I don't remember much, but he was and still is, to some extent, into value shopping....i.e., the biggest bang for your buck. Nowadays, this is not so much the case as he is really trying to buy more Made in U.S.A. products than not, so now I suppose he comparison shops when it comes to where stuff comes from and then the value after that.
I guess we can all benefit from "comparison shopping" not only in our grocery shopping trips but also in our daily decisions in life. Think about this for a minute, folks. Say you're going to be upgrading your t.v. to a flat screen because (mama says) you need more room (of course, you need to admit it guys, this idea really floats your boat because now you can watch football, baseball, NASCAR on a bigger, better screen). Now, most all of you wouldn't just go out and get a flat screen just because it's cheap, there's some comparison shopping going on here. I can see it now, Mom is comparison shopping on price and warranty....Dad is shopping, well, let's say there some real involvement here, after all, the quality of the game is at stake. Name brands are investigated; if you're a stickler for Made in U.S.A. only, then you investigate which brands are made here. Quality is investigated, perhaps Consumer Reports is consulted. We talk to friends and family and see what their experience with the product that we're interested in is....we look at price, warranties, guarantees and then finally we are ready to make our decisions. When all is said and done, if we've done our homework, then we are very satisfied with our purchase.
So, where am I going with this? A number of places. First, we all like a good value, but in order to get a good value, the most for the least amount of money, we have to be detectives to a degree. We have to know what we are buying or risk either being taken to the cleaners by those who just want your money and give you inferior products or not getting anything at all for what we have paid for....or getting what we have paid for and being satisfied with the purchase. This can be applied in everyday life or even where I'm going to next.
On November 4, 2012, we are going to be "buying" a new president.....or not. My question to you is, have you done your comparison shopping? Have you looked into Mit Romney's background, his finances, his relationships, his past experience, his friends, his family and are satisfied with what you have found? I'm not talking about the chit chat around the water cooler here, folks, I'm talking about digging through the myriad of information out there that is open for the world to see. Have you checked him out, warts and all?
How about Mr. Obama? Have you looked into his background (prior to the White House), his finances, his relationships, his past experience, his friends, his family and are you satisfied that he is the one most qualified to run this Country?
I am not here to tell you who you should vote for. Like anything else that you choose for yourself or your family, it is up to you to investigate the "product's" worth. Are you satisfied with the concrete evidence that is put before you or do you need to look further than Snopes or Truth or Fiction? Are you willing to compromise what you believe, your morals, even your Country to elect someone who is less than what you want? Or are you OK with whoever gets there as long as they leave you alone. Let me tell you something....investigating either one of them will give you the willies, its just a matter of degree...Like when you go to a haunted house, are you willing to go just short of a heart attack to be scared pee-less or are you the kind that the kids coming to the front door are scary enough....
OK, now that I've run you in a tight little circle, I'm going to give you a challenge.
For those of you who pray, now is the time to really get going in that area. Of course you should be praying for our leaders daily, but now we have to pray for the wisdom of the people, for mercy from God and for the healing of our Nation. Also praying that God will move His people to elect whom He wants in office is something that we might want to add in there.
For those of you who don't pray (even those who do), let me just offer this. Take the blinders off. If you are a straight party voter, change that, that's the lazy way to vote. Look at the candidates, investigate who they are, where they have come from and what they have in mind for what effects you and this Country. Don't just look at your party, look at both parties that are in the race and make your decision wisely.
Most of all, get out there and vote. I know that a lot of folks say that our votes don't count, but they do and even one vote can swing this election to the good or to the bad...just one vote...and you don't know that your vote wasn't the one that made the decision either way.
Do your homework folks, don't go into this election deaf, dumb and blind. Know who you're voting for and vote in the best possible candidate out there. Be confident in your voting and know that you have done your very best to put the very best in that important Chair. Don't be a lemming and follow the crowd. Be informed. Be prayed up. Be prepared. The saying Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) definitely applies here.
Be safe, my friends and have a wonderful, blessed three day weekend.
As a kid, I remember that my dad always did the grocery shopping. I don't remember much, but he was and still is, to some extent, into value shopping....i.e., the biggest bang for your buck. Nowadays, this is not so much the case as he is really trying to buy more Made in U.S.A. products than not, so now I suppose he comparison shops when it comes to where stuff comes from and then the value after that.
I guess we can all benefit from "comparison shopping" not only in our grocery shopping trips but also in our daily decisions in life. Think about this for a minute, folks. Say you're going to be upgrading your t.v. to a flat screen because (mama says) you need more room (of course, you need to admit it guys, this idea really floats your boat because now you can watch football, baseball, NASCAR on a bigger, better screen). Now, most all of you wouldn't just go out and get a flat screen just because it's cheap, there's some comparison shopping going on here. I can see it now, Mom is comparison shopping on price and warranty....Dad is shopping, well, let's say there some real involvement here, after all, the quality of the game is at stake. Name brands are investigated; if you're a stickler for Made in U.S.A. only, then you investigate which brands are made here. Quality is investigated, perhaps Consumer Reports is consulted. We talk to friends and family and see what their experience with the product that we're interested in is....we look at price, warranties, guarantees and then finally we are ready to make our decisions. When all is said and done, if we've done our homework, then we are very satisfied with our purchase.
So, where am I going with this? A number of places. First, we all like a good value, but in order to get a good value, the most for the least amount of money, we have to be detectives to a degree. We have to know what we are buying or risk either being taken to the cleaners by those who just want your money and give you inferior products or not getting anything at all for what we have paid for....or getting what we have paid for and being satisfied with the purchase. This can be applied in everyday life or even where I'm going to next.
On November 4, 2012, we are going to be "buying" a new president.....or not. My question to you is, have you done your comparison shopping? Have you looked into Mit Romney's background, his finances, his relationships, his past experience, his friends, his family and are satisfied with what you have found? I'm not talking about the chit chat around the water cooler here, folks, I'm talking about digging through the myriad of information out there that is open for the world to see. Have you checked him out, warts and all?
How about Mr. Obama? Have you looked into his background (prior to the White House), his finances, his relationships, his past experience, his friends, his family and are you satisfied that he is the one most qualified to run this Country?
I am not here to tell you who you should vote for. Like anything else that you choose for yourself or your family, it is up to you to investigate the "product's" worth. Are you satisfied with the concrete evidence that is put before you or do you need to look further than Snopes or Truth or Fiction? Are you willing to compromise what you believe, your morals, even your Country to elect someone who is less than what you want? Or are you OK with whoever gets there as long as they leave you alone. Let me tell you something....investigating either one of them will give you the willies, its just a matter of degree...Like when you go to a haunted house, are you willing to go just short of a heart attack to be scared pee-less or are you the kind that the kids coming to the front door are scary enough....
OK, now that I've run you in a tight little circle, I'm going to give you a challenge.
For those of you who pray, now is the time to really get going in that area. Of course you should be praying for our leaders daily, but now we have to pray for the wisdom of the people, for mercy from God and for the healing of our Nation. Also praying that God will move His people to elect whom He wants in office is something that we might want to add in there.
For those of you who don't pray (even those who do), let me just offer this. Take the blinders off. If you are a straight party voter, change that, that's the lazy way to vote. Look at the candidates, investigate who they are, where they have come from and what they have in mind for what effects you and this Country. Don't just look at your party, look at both parties that are in the race and make your decision wisely.
Most of all, get out there and vote. I know that a lot of folks say that our votes don't count, but they do and even one vote can swing this election to the good or to the bad...just one vote...and you don't know that your vote wasn't the one that made the decision either way.
Do your homework folks, don't go into this election deaf, dumb and blind. Know who you're voting for and vote in the best possible candidate out there. Be confident in your voting and know that you have done your very best to put the very best in that important Chair. Don't be a lemming and follow the crowd. Be informed. Be prayed up. Be prepared. The saying Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) definitely applies here.
Be safe, my friends and have a wonderful, blessed three day weekend.
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