For every time there is a season...

Ecclesiastes 3 says this:

1. To everything there is a season,
    A time for every purpose under heaven:
2.  A time to be born,
     And a time to die;
     A time to plant,
     And a time to pluck what is planted;
3.   A time to kill,
      And a time to heal;
      A time to break down,
      And a time to build up;
4.  A time to weep,
     And a time to laugh;
     A time to mourn,
     And a time to dance;
5.  A time to cast away stones,
    And a time to gather stones;
     A time to embrace,
     And a time to refrain from embracing;
6.   A time to gain,
     And a time to lose;
     A time to keep,
     And a time to throw away;
7.  A time to tear,
    And a time to sew;
    A time to keep silence,
     And a time to speak;
8. A time to love,
     And a time to hate;
      A time of war,
     And a time of peace.

Or, if you're a Byrds fan, just add "turn, turn, turn...."

We are coming to such a time in less than twenty days. The day to cast our votes is fast approaching and we will be choosing either a new President or choosing to keep the seated President. This is the season for us to either plant or pluck; a time to break down or build up. A time for us to weep or laugh; a time to mourn or dance. A time to embrace or to refrain from embracing. A time to gain and a time to lose. A time to keep or a time to throw away. What it is not is the time to keep silence, it is most assuredly a time to speak. It is not a time to hate, but for us to set our hatred, racism, ill-conceived notions and pie-in-the-sky worship of one candidate or the other....after all, they are indeed human and not to be worshipped, aside. We as a Country have been in a small civil war of sorts, but now, as we come together to cast our votes, it is now the time for peace.

I am not here to tell you who to vote for, that's between you and God, you and your conscience. What I am here to tell you is this. Do your homework. Watch the remaining debate. Research the points that they are making. Make sure you know your candidate as much as possible because it is indeed the season to do so. What I'm here to tell you is that the days are indeed short and we must be sure of who we put in the Oval Office. 

In the past few years we have seen this Nation go from a top of the line credit rating to a much lower one. We have seen gas prices, food prices, commodities skyrocket. People have lost jobs, homes, families because of our economy. My feeling on this is that God is slowly removing His hand of protection from this once great Country, and as He is doing so, we are seeing the results of our narcissism. We have been a Nation of "give me more"...."I have a lot, I need more"....or as George Carlin so eloquently said "we get bigger houses so that we can have more stuff..." even when we cannot afford it. We have gone into debt monetarily, physically, morally and spiritually and now is the time to fix that. We need to see if either of the candidates has a realistic plan to help to fix that. Don't go by race, religion or party...go by what you know. Research, research and then research more. Get informed.

Bottom line, folks is this: if you have not done your homework before voting, then you are voting blind. If you do not vote because you don't like either candidate, then shame on least write in a candidate, but at least vote. Don't let the notion of "my vote doesn't mean anything" sway you, it does.

Let me quote a Nike slogan:



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