A Politician by any other name is still.....

Well, the names are quite possibly unprintable.  In the last few days I have seen politicians pull some pretty reprehensible stunts, the latest of which are the ones who are compromising their faith for votes and the Nevada judge who wants to make a young woman with epilepsy go through an abortion and sterilization.

I commend Florida Senator Marco Rubio for standing his ground, others should take his example. Too many politicians and judges say that they are born again Christians, but their actions betray them. In the Bible it says that you shall know them by their fruit (their actions - paraphrased by me), and if that's the case there are precious few actual born again Christians in the positions of power. To add insult to injury, that "wonderful" (extreme sarcasm inserted here) pastor (bless his heart), Pat Robertson said in response to Senator Rubio's interview to GQ, "If you fight science, you are going to lose your children."  Way to go, "Pastor" Robertson.

Then there's the Nevada judge who wants to force an abortion on a young woman. The young woman has both physical and mental challenges, and is under the guardianship of her parents. Both the woman and her parents want to go through the process of birth to allow the child to be adopted to one of many waiting couples. Last I checked the courts have no say in whether or not a woman may have a baby, regardless of the mental capacity of the woman. In addition, Social Services should have no input in whether or not this woman should have her baby and since they are not the guardians of her, they really shouldn't have any say in this matter. As far as I can tell by the article, the young woman's health nor the health of the baby are in the balance, she and her parents have agreed that the baby should be adopted out, what here is the issue??

I don't know when our country became so controlling of its citizens. I suppose that we had been warned previously by a number of prominent individuals that we were headed to this end. In the book 1984, it is clearly spelled out that "Big Brother" was going to be watching and waiting to take over the lives of its citizenry. Why did we not heed the warnings of these, not to mention the warnings of the Prophets of the Bible? I will tell you why. Because we believe that we know better than anyone else, including parents, other elders and most of all, God. We think because it "feels right" that it must be good. When did we go from knowing the difference between right and wrong and getting them totally backwards? Racism, gay rights/non-rights, abortion rights, gun control, welfare for a living instead of living for the short term with welfare as an assist while you work to get on your feet...the list goes on ad-nauseam.........

Do I have a solution? You're darn tootin' I do! When elections come around, make sure that your representatives know that you mean business. They are your employees, your representatives and if they are not doing the job that your vote empowered them to do, then they should be fired....that goes for every judge, congressman/woman, senator or president that is elected. While in office, let them know what you think of their stand, because if we don't tell them then its up to them to decide what is the general consensus, and most likely it will be the few radicals that will have the ear of your representative. They can't fix what they don't know is broken, folks....speak up so they can hear you. 

Part of me wants to apologise for my rant, but the other part is saying don't apologise, it needs to be said. If we as a Country don't come together as one accord and rein in the people who are out to make us a prisoner citizenry, then we deserve everything that comes our way. Just saying.


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