Gads! I'm pooped!

We just walked a hundred miles...I'm sure of it! Just kidding, but my hips are screaming that they will have their revenge. I'm in Okinawa (again! Lol!), and we decided to hit the biggest tourist trap on the Island...Kokusai Street.

This street is amazing. Not only are there nooks and crannies filled with artisans and little Mom and Pop stores, but there are vegetable stands, fruits stands, street actors, its definitely something worth seeing.

While we were there, the local television studio was doing a spot on, well, I don't know, but they were doing a spot on something. There was a little play going on with the Power Rangers. We went by a street actor who caught Andrea's eye...she even went up to him and gave him a high five! I think we went down, oh, I don't know, fifty million side streets and stores in four hours time and didn't even scratch the surface of what's out there.

I had the opportunity to wear a kimono for about five minutes, then ditched the notion and got Andrea one instead. She would have more fun with it than I would, I think. I got some Ryukyun glass jewelry for me and my girls, toys for the Grand babies and a little pop-up princess castle for them to play in.

Just think, this is only day three and I have probably done as much if not more on this trip, tourist wise, than I have on the previous two. Its not decided for sure if we are going to the beach tomorrow, its going to be a really nice day, but maybe not nice enough to venture into the water. We shall see! Apparently, there is still a mini-zoo trip and I have no idea what else in the works, but I think that it has been a great deal of fun so far for Andrea, except for the plane ride. She wasn't very happy with the amount of time it took to get here, and no doubt she will grouse about the time it will take to get back, but that's OK.

The Grand babies are in love with their Aunt Andrea...I think its because she can get to their level so easily. I am very pleased with the amount of patience that she has shown to them, although she has scolded Khloe once or twice and got scolded back by Beth. For the most part, though, they have been all over her and she seems to have enjoyed it.

Anyway, apart from the fibro giving me fits, and my allergies going into high gear because of all of the pollen floating in the air, I am having a wonderful time. Of course, their driving causes me fits of I don't know what, but when you look at their dinky cars and the equally dinky drivers, you can't help but smile sometimes. On the way home today, I saw a little blue and white toaster with four elderly folks inside of it waiting on the light to turn. They looked so cute sitting in this little car that was in grand shape. I think this was the oldest car that I had seen on the road here...judging by the shape and the color of the blue, that I hadn't seen in at least three decades, this was the old man's pride and joy. You can't help but smile when you see something like that.

Well, stick a fork in me, I'm done for the day. Y'all have a great weekend!
Be blessed!


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