It occurs to me that as we stumble through life to the other end of it that we don't often stop to realize the impact made on our lives or by the same token the lives that we impact. This journey, with all of its twists and turns, mountain tops and valleys, pits and level ground...well, it seems like it whizzes past us and before we know it, it's time to go Home, wherever that is for some.
I had the honor of doing my first interview with a dear friend for the online magazine, Living Faithfully. It was while I was sitting there and chatting with her and catching up with each other that I realized how much she had impacted me and I her. We talked about how she wrote her book, Antithesis, while we were working and there was down-time, and about how she had encouraged me in my writing. We talked about our kids and how they've grown and good grief, how they won't stop talking for even a nano-second! Some of the things that came to my mind not only during the interview, but while we were just visiting, well, it blew me away seeing the impact she made on me.
Another thing, my Bestie...when I think back on our relationship all of these years, it amazes me that either one of us is still alive, much less even semi-sane. A relative of mine, didn't turn out exactly the way that I thought he would...he's a member of the LGBT community. I have impacted his life, he mine. He has expressed concern that our relationship has suffered through the years (we grew up together, my folks fostered him for a while off and on), and I told him that I loved him unconditionally...his lifestyle, not so much. What he went through and what he is today is a direct result of a negative impact that someone can have on someone, and I wished that it wasn't so, but it is. I wished that I could take away his pain and the way that he felt all of those years. I wished that I could have made a greater, better impact than I did...and wishes are just dreams that float off on the summer breeze, never to come to fruition.
I guess what I'm getting at in this short little blog today is this: Slow down some. Take that time to smell the roses, look at the clouds, admire the birds. Take the time to help someone who is down, down on their luck or are in need of a blanket or knit cap. Take some time to pet the cat or dog in the shelter, and adopt one if you can, you will certainly make an impact on their lives. Take some time with your kids and let them know that you truly love them for who they are, not for what they can achieve. If they achieve greatness, rejoice with them, celebrate them. If they are the average Joe, then celebrate that, too, because we all know an average Joe or Jill and they are the backbone of this Country. Call your Mom, Dad or Grandparents not on your usual day, just to tell them you love them. Believe me, the impact that you will make will be awesome.
Slow down and make a positive impact on the world around you. When you do, you will be a living testimony to "love thy neighbor", and that, my friends will be a positive impact on you.
I had the honor of doing my first interview with a dear friend for the online magazine, Living Faithfully. It was while I was sitting there and chatting with her and catching up with each other that I realized how much she had impacted me and I her. We talked about how she wrote her book, Antithesis, while we were working and there was down-time, and about how she had encouraged me in my writing. We talked about our kids and how they've grown and good grief, how they won't stop talking for even a nano-second! Some of the things that came to my mind not only during the interview, but while we were just visiting, well, it blew me away seeing the impact she made on me.
Another thing, my Bestie...when I think back on our relationship all of these years, it amazes me that either one of us is still alive, much less even semi-sane. A relative of mine, didn't turn out exactly the way that I thought he would...he's a member of the LGBT community. I have impacted his life, he mine. He has expressed concern that our relationship has suffered through the years (we grew up together, my folks fostered him for a while off and on), and I told him that I loved him unconditionally...his lifestyle, not so much. What he went through and what he is today is a direct result of a negative impact that someone can have on someone, and I wished that it wasn't so, but it is. I wished that I could take away his pain and the way that he felt all of those years. I wished that I could have made a greater, better impact than I did...and wishes are just dreams that float off on the summer breeze, never to come to fruition.
I guess what I'm getting at in this short little blog today is this: Slow down some. Take that time to smell the roses, look at the clouds, admire the birds. Take the time to help someone who is down, down on their luck or are in need of a blanket or knit cap. Take some time to pet the cat or dog in the shelter, and adopt one if you can, you will certainly make an impact on their lives. Take some time with your kids and let them know that you truly love them for who they are, not for what they can achieve. If they achieve greatness, rejoice with them, celebrate them. If they are the average Joe, then celebrate that, too, because we all know an average Joe or Jill and they are the backbone of this Country. Call your Mom, Dad or Grandparents not on your usual day, just to tell them you love them. Believe me, the impact that you will make will be awesome.
Slow down and make a positive impact on the world around you. When you do, you will be a living testimony to "love thy neighbor", and that, my friends will be a positive impact on you.
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