Interesting, if not incredibly alarming.
I've said it before, I'm not an alarmist by nature, but I'm getting alarmed by the media. The problem is, the reports that are coming to light are verifiable in many ways, including watching the news as it happens whether it is a political speech or camera personnel in action and watching the raw footage live. Its downright scary.
The latest articles to come to light are in regards to the Christian community as a whole. There have been news articles that when checked whether by anti-hoax websites or by actually looking at the particular news agency for the details that have proven to be false, which really brings a sigh of relief from me. However, that said, there have been others that give me the tendency to look towards the eastern skies and to listen closely for the trumpet that will sound signalling that I'm leaving my crocs at any second to meet Christ in the air.
One such news story is out of Colorado. Now, I've seen this story before, but never with the extra details that this version gives, so I checked it out myself. After checking on and, then looking at the various blogs, tweets and comments on this story, it looks as if this is a truism. The Colorado State Patrol is to consider anyone who takes the Bible literally and/or who believes that this Country was founded on Christian principals to be suspect of being Sovereign Citizens. That moniker means that they are anti-government, anti-tax, pretty much anti anything that has to do with this government, and they are equally upset about our black President. Well, ain't that a kick in the head! Last I checked, anyone who believes the Bible from cover to cover (as I do) knows that we are to obey the laws of the land as long as they don't supersede God's Laws, and we are to "give to Caesar what is due and to give to God what is due" (paraphrased). Duh!
If you were to get your hands on a social studies or history book from oh, say the 60's or 70's, you would find that history says that the United States of America was founded on Biblical principles. Well, to be more precise, it was freedom from the Church of England and the persecution that the pilgrims faced each and every day while they were in England. When they made it to America, they were free to worship God according to His Word and His ways, not by the censored words of the priests in their previous homeland. When the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were constructed, that's where the Biblical principles came into play.A good portion of the signers were indeed Christian, some were Deists, but all took great pains to refrain from creating another England, meaning they chose not to make a common religion as part of their setting up our government. I believe, (IMHO) that this is due in part to the extreme persecution that the original settlers endured while in England. Nevertheless, the principles that were put forward are irrefutably Christian in their base. But that's beside the point.
My point here is this. The days ahead for Christians are going to start getting tougher. I foresee a time when filling out an application may involve a question about religious affiliation. When that happens, most likely we will see more and more Christians out of the work force. That is when we as a Christian family will have to step up and become more proactive in helping out families in need, regardless of affiliation. The Commandment "love they neighbor as thyself" will definitely have to come into play here, there will be no choice. I'm no prophet here, I don't have the power of precognition, but I do have the Bible which plainly lays it all out for us. We may not be in the "Last" last days, but those days are roaring towards us like a runaway freight train. With the cost of living going up, threats to withhold social security checks, the denial of needed services for the infirmed such as ultrasounds on stage three and beyond cancer patients by Medicare, cuts to the pay for the military, folks, this is only going to get worse. Now is the time for preparation. The Bible intimates in Matthew 25 that we need to be prepared. Throughout the entire chapter, from the ten virgins to the three servants, the process was to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom or Master (Jesus). Those who prepared and were watching and waiting were welcomed "in", those who were not prepared were not allowed in, indeed, some were cast out...."and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Mt 25:30b).
Start preparing folks. If I'm wrong, then you have some abundance to fall back on when you retire. If I'm right, then it might be the difference between life and death. Only you can make the decision, I'm just the one who is telling you what's up.
Have a blessed week, folks. Be careful out there (Hill Street Blues. Lol!)
The latest articles to come to light are in regards to the Christian community as a whole. There have been news articles that when checked whether by anti-hoax websites or by actually looking at the particular news agency for the details that have proven to be false, which really brings a sigh of relief from me. However, that said, there have been others that give me the tendency to look towards the eastern skies and to listen closely for the trumpet that will sound signalling that I'm leaving my crocs at any second to meet Christ in the air.
One such news story is out of Colorado. Now, I've seen this story before, but never with the extra details that this version gives, so I checked it out myself. After checking on and, then looking at the various blogs, tweets and comments on this story, it looks as if this is a truism. The Colorado State Patrol is to consider anyone who takes the Bible literally and/or who believes that this Country was founded on Christian principals to be suspect of being Sovereign Citizens. That moniker means that they are anti-government, anti-tax, pretty much anti anything that has to do with this government, and they are equally upset about our black President. Well, ain't that a kick in the head! Last I checked, anyone who believes the Bible from cover to cover (as I do) knows that we are to obey the laws of the land as long as they don't supersede God's Laws, and we are to "give to Caesar what is due and to give to God what is due" (paraphrased). Duh!
If you were to get your hands on a social studies or history book from oh, say the 60's or 70's, you would find that history says that the United States of America was founded on Biblical principles. Well, to be more precise, it was freedom from the Church of England and the persecution that the pilgrims faced each and every day while they were in England. When they made it to America, they were free to worship God according to His Word and His ways, not by the censored words of the priests in their previous homeland. When the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence were constructed, that's where the Biblical principles came into play.A good portion of the signers were indeed Christian, some were Deists, but all took great pains to refrain from creating another England, meaning they chose not to make a common religion as part of their setting up our government. I believe, (IMHO) that this is due in part to the extreme persecution that the original settlers endured while in England. Nevertheless, the principles that were put forward are irrefutably Christian in their base. But that's beside the point.
My point here is this. The days ahead for Christians are going to start getting tougher. I foresee a time when filling out an application may involve a question about religious affiliation. When that happens, most likely we will see more and more Christians out of the work force. That is when we as a Christian family will have to step up and become more proactive in helping out families in need, regardless of affiliation. The Commandment "love they neighbor as thyself" will definitely have to come into play here, there will be no choice. I'm no prophet here, I don't have the power of precognition, but I do have the Bible which plainly lays it all out for us. We may not be in the "Last" last days, but those days are roaring towards us like a runaway freight train. With the cost of living going up, threats to withhold social security checks, the denial of needed services for the infirmed such as ultrasounds on stage three and beyond cancer patients by Medicare, cuts to the pay for the military, folks, this is only going to get worse. Now is the time for preparation. The Bible intimates in Matthew 25 that we need to be prepared. Throughout the entire chapter, from the ten virgins to the three servants, the process was to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom or Master (Jesus). Those who prepared and were watching and waiting were welcomed "in", those who were not prepared were not allowed in, indeed, some were cast out...."and there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Mt 25:30b).
Start preparing folks. If I'm wrong, then you have some abundance to fall back on when you retire. If I'm right, then it might be the difference between life and death. Only you can make the decision, I'm just the one who is telling you what's up.
Have a blessed week, folks. Be careful out there (Hill Street Blues. Lol!)
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