Yup! Leave it to me!

You know, sometimes I wonder about God's sense of humor, especially when it comes to me. More than once in my life, when I have said something tongue in cheek, He thought it was a stellar idea and it came to pass. Andrea is one of those times. Not in the "she's a joke" type thing, no, hers was the Down Syndrome thing. I was a Special Needs teaching assistant when I became pregnant with her and the teacher I was paired with had just gotten back from an in service class about Downs kids. Jokingly I mentioned wouldn't it be cool if the baby had Downs and we discussed the ways that I wouldn't have to deal with the peer pressure that "normal" kids had to deal with. Yeah, you guessed it, perfect pregnancy, perfect labor and delivery, perfect kid with Downs. Gotta love His sense of humor, and I have to tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way because she has taught me a great deal about life and God. You can't buy that in the stores or from a televangelist, let me tell you!

So why preface my blog this way today? Because God has made a special individual called Me, and broke that mold afterwards. Let me tell you this, if someone can trip on lint, that would be me. If there is a pole growing out of the sidewalk, I'll walk straight into it. If I can read something wrong, you can bet that I do it up big-time. I did it this morning, as a matter of fact, and there has to be something to be said for enthusiasm in the face of "you have to be kidding me".

See, Andrea wanted to do Sharathon last year with our local Christian radio station, KSBJ. Since we were too late for last year, it was decided to do it this year. So, I signed Mouse and I up and when I went to request greeter for Andrea, it was gone, but mine for phones went through. Anyway, last night I went to bed at a really good time, slept most of the way through the night. This is unusual in the fact that if an alarm is set for me, I sleep very little....I slept like the proverbial log last night. I figured that was a good thing when I got up at 3 a.m., went through the shower, got Andrea up and we took off for the station.

When we got to the radio station, there was the station broadcast van in the lot and one or two other cars....we were the first volunteers to get there....an hour and a half early. When we walked into the lobby, the I.T. guys were setting up the computers for check in, so we parked it on the chairs until someone could check us in. When someone finally came in to start the ball rolling, the head of volunteers couldn't find us on the morning shift. After looking through his book, he found ME....scheduled for 545 P.M. Yeah, you read it right, PM, as in late afternoon. I was 12 hours early.

At this point, the poor guy looked at me and gave me an option. Either go home and get some sleep or hang out to see if Phone Central needed help. As for Mouse, he would have to ruminate on where to place her during my time on the phones. At just a few minutes before six, Andrea was placed as a greeter and I was sent up to man the phones. It was a good time, I met some super nice ladies at my table and the time went by fairly quickly, with Andrea visiting me twice...once on a break and once at the end of the shift. I thought that we would be staying another shift, so I sent her back to her greeter duties.

Well, as it turned out, Steve, the volunteer guy sent me home to get some rest with the promise from me that I would be back for my scheduled shift. This was a good thing because I have to tell you, I'm sleep-typing right now. So, without further adieu, I will bid you zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................................................................


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