I'm on my soapbox about where we need to be.....yeah, its a rant.
I know that in the past that I have said that I'm not an alarmist, but I'm going to change my position on that one.
With the rumblings going on in the Middle East, the chemical attacks on Syrian women, children and innocents and the threats from Russia and China, I think its time to be an alarmist.
While I try to stay away from politics in general, there's another thing that I want to touch on. While I am certainly no fan of our current POTUS, I understand that he was allowed to be put in power by God. Each and every person that has been allowed into power, according to Scripture, is allowed there for whatever reason by God. Yes, God is omniscient, so He knows what is in the person's heart, what this person will do with his/her power, and the outcome of the administration on its people. It is very difficult for us as human beings to wrap our brains around the evil that some of these (I hesitate to use the designation because animals seem to have a higher brain function than these) "animals" impart on other human beings as being "ordained" or allowed by a Loving God, but it is so. Now before you go into the "I could never follow a God that allows such suffering to happen", let me give you this: God sends His rain on the just and the unjust....because of the sin nature of the human race, the scene, as it were, has to play out. In the times of Jesus, the Holy Roman Empire was in charge...there was a lot of suffering going on there, but they were in charge. People followed gods who were responsible for war, poverty, fornication, etc., so really we are fickle beings, aren't we? We have the choice to follow His Son, Jesus and the example that He set for us, or we can go our merry way and hope that we are good enough to make it to the good afterlife. Sorry, I went off on a bunny trail there.
Anyway, about the POTUS, I don't like him, that's pretty evident if you know me, but we are instructed in Scripture to pray for those in power. We don't have to like who is in power and if it is in the good will of God that he is overthrown, then so be it, however if it is His will that the POTUS remain in power, then it is for the furtherance of something greater. Who knows, perhaps we are heading in to the actual End Times. If that is the case, personally I think some self-examination is in order, in more ways than one.
Regardless of where you stand spiritually, physically one should probably should prepare for what will happen when this war begins. I must say that in the coming days/weeks/months that our food and gas prices will raise exponentially, while our paychecks and obligations remain status quo. We are not going to be able to sustain our families, our homes or our lifestyles as we once have. Perhaps this is just for a season, but I think that its a time to wake up and smell the french roast, this is going to happen. Maybe not this time, but it will happen. The rich will be on the same level as the poor. They may not get there at the same time, but it will happen. They will be just as affected as the middle class....the middle class will know the anxiety of the poor who wonder where their next meal will come from. Rioting and violence will increase and the lifestyle that we now enjoy will not be easily obtained. The government will require that you give up your freedoms, your lives to live according to what they want you to live. You will be required to give up your faith, your beliefs to get your next meal. You will in effect be, an automaton. Your life will be lived according to government standards or you will suffer the consequences. The ill, the infirmed, the special needs of the individual, the aged will be of no use and either put aside or eliminated all together. Don't believe that can happen? Start reading folks, these options are already in place ready for the POTUS' signature to put it into action. Some of these are Executive orders, some are from Congress.
I realize that this is hard hitting and to some, pretty out there. I just ask that you consider what I am saying. Whether you determine that this is pure fiction or something that is a real possibility is your choice, I am just asking you to do some homework. Research what I am saying. Some of this is history repeated, some of it, yes is pure speculation but I base it on the research that I have done. Prepare yourself and those you love for change in the way that we live. Examine yourself spiritually to make sure you are in line with where God wants you to be so that you are able to stand in the face of adversity with faith and strength. Be like the Boy Scouts (motto) and be prepared.
I'm finished with my soapbox now. Have a good week, everyone!
With the rumblings going on in the Middle East, the chemical attacks on Syrian women, children and innocents and the threats from Russia and China, I think its time to be an alarmist.
While I try to stay away from politics in general, there's another thing that I want to touch on. While I am certainly no fan of our current POTUS, I understand that he was allowed to be put in power by God. Each and every person that has been allowed into power, according to Scripture, is allowed there for whatever reason by God. Yes, God is omniscient, so He knows what is in the person's heart, what this person will do with his/her power, and the outcome of the administration on its people. It is very difficult for us as human beings to wrap our brains around the evil that some of these (I hesitate to use the designation because animals seem to have a higher brain function than these) "animals" impart on other human beings as being "ordained" or allowed by a Loving God, but it is so. Now before you go into the "I could never follow a God that allows such suffering to happen", let me give you this: God sends His rain on the just and the unjust....because of the sin nature of the human race, the scene, as it were, has to play out. In the times of Jesus, the Holy Roman Empire was in charge...there was a lot of suffering going on there, but they were in charge. People followed gods who were responsible for war, poverty, fornication, etc., so really we are fickle beings, aren't we? We have the choice to follow His Son, Jesus and the example that He set for us, or we can go our merry way and hope that we are good enough to make it to the good afterlife. Sorry, I went off on a bunny trail there.
Anyway, about the POTUS, I don't like him, that's pretty evident if you know me, but we are instructed in Scripture to pray for those in power. We don't have to like who is in power and if it is in the good will of God that he is overthrown, then so be it, however if it is His will that the POTUS remain in power, then it is for the furtherance of something greater. Who knows, perhaps we are heading in to the actual End Times. If that is the case, personally I think some self-examination is in order, in more ways than one.
Regardless of where you stand spiritually, physically one should probably should prepare for what will happen when this war begins. I must say that in the coming days/weeks/months that our food and gas prices will raise exponentially, while our paychecks and obligations remain status quo. We are not going to be able to sustain our families, our homes or our lifestyles as we once have. Perhaps this is just for a season, but I think that its a time to wake up and smell the french roast, this is going to happen. Maybe not this time, but it will happen. The rich will be on the same level as the poor. They may not get there at the same time, but it will happen. They will be just as affected as the middle class....the middle class will know the anxiety of the poor who wonder where their next meal will come from. Rioting and violence will increase and the lifestyle that we now enjoy will not be easily obtained. The government will require that you give up your freedoms, your lives to live according to what they want you to live. You will be required to give up your faith, your beliefs to get your next meal. You will in effect be, an automaton. Your life will be lived according to government standards or you will suffer the consequences. The ill, the infirmed, the special needs of the individual, the aged will be of no use and either put aside or eliminated all together. Don't believe that can happen? Start reading folks, these options are already in place ready for the POTUS' signature to put it into action. Some of these are Executive orders, some are from Congress.
I realize that this is hard hitting and to some, pretty out there. I just ask that you consider what I am saying. Whether you determine that this is pure fiction or something that is a real possibility is your choice, I am just asking you to do some homework. Research what I am saying. Some of this is history repeated, some of it, yes is pure speculation but I base it on the research that I have done. Prepare yourself and those you love for change in the way that we live. Examine yourself spiritually to make sure you are in line with where God wants you to be so that you are able to stand in the face of adversity with faith and strength. Be like the Boy Scouts (motto) and be prepared.
I'm finished with my soapbox now. Have a good week, everyone!
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