'Tis the Season
Yes, it's the season. The season for over-crowded malls; over-sensitive shoppers; and kids who tend to be on their best behavior...until after the presents are opened Christmas morning. Thankfully, I chose to do most of my shopping online, which has its own hazards, thank you very much. The rest of it, the stuff I had to do in person, well, I did that early. The only thing that I did at last minute was send out my parent's stuff and Punky's last box. Now, in my defense, I sent it out priority mail on the 10th figuring it wouldn't take more than seven days. Imagine my (mock) surprise when it took eleven. Meh...at least she got it finally.
Anyway, since my last update, I've been pretty busy. I put everything on hold (with the exception of a couple of days right around Thanksgiving for cooking and such) to participate in NaNoWriMo. For those of you who are scratching their heads right now and going, "huh?", that's National Novel Writers Month, NaNoWriMo for short. The goal is to pound out a novel of fifty thousand words or more in thirty days. Yes, I did it, and finished six days early, which gave me the title of "winner". What that gives me is a couple of exclusive offers from self-publishing houses as well as some other sponsor goodies. What I really got out of it was a full-blown novel. Yup! I'm an author! Okay, so it's not on the market yet, but I'm hoping that it will be soon. When it's all done, it will be for sale on Amazon.com. Look for it, it's called "The Father's Footsteps". I hope you enjoy it. I'll let everyone know when it hits. Eeep! I'm kind of excited!
Other stuff has been going on. A bit of family stuff here in the States. If all y'all don't mind lifting my family up in prayer when you think of it, I would sure appreciate it, God knows the reasons.
My Punky Doodle will (hopefully) be back home in the States with her Hubster and two babies. I can't wait to hug on their crazy necks and spoil the Granddaughters more than I have long distance! I'm not the least bit excited, can you tell?
My Bestie has had a rough go of it, too. I wish there was more that I could do other than my prayers and a shoulder when needed...I hope she knows that I think and pray for her often. If she didn't know before, then I know she knows now...say that one five times fast! LOL! Seriously, that's another prayer request for all of you prayer warriors out there.
We had a bit of excitement with one of my fur-babies, Uno. Had no clue what was going on with him and took him to the vet. Found out the little guy had a bladder stone (owie!). For those of you who have never given a cat medicine, let me tell you, it ranks right up there with giving one a bath! I wrapped that boy up in a heavy beach towel...it went around him four times, mind you...that sucker is now in shreds. I didn't fare too well with that one, either. I look like I got in a fight with, well, a cat and lost, which I didn't. He got the medicine. All of it. Now when he sees the syringe of medicine, he runs and hides. Thankfully it's almost gone so he can relax for a bit, then it's back to the vet for a check up and hopefully the stone will be gone.
So, pretty much that's the month, almost two in a nutshell. Oh, wait, I almost forgot. This is Izzy's first Christmas with us. She's a coon hound mix and as curious as the cats. Well, I have the scat mat under the tree for the ornament's safety. She got curious about a 'toy' on one of the bottom branches. The cats tried to warn her about he scat mat, then scattered as she put her front paw on it. The next thing I see is Izzy backing up so fast her tail was in front of her and yelping at the same time. No, it doesn't hurt, it's like getting a static electricity shock, it's mostly a startle deterrent, but let me tell you, I laughed so hard I cried, then loved on her until she licked all the make-up off my face. She's a fast learner...when she hears it on, she makes a wide berth around it and needless to say, this year at least, my tree is still in the upright position and all ornaments are where they should be. Unless the robovac bumps into it again, but that's another story.
Finally, I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyous Christmas! Remember the reason why we celebrate Christmas, and bless others when you can. Find a reason to pay it forward this season. Hold the doors open for folks, even when they don't expect it. Don't be afraid to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas" and be gracious to those who have to say "Happy Holidays".
Be safe and sound and may you get everything you asked Santa for!
Anyway, since my last update, I've been pretty busy. I put everything on hold (with the exception of a couple of days right around Thanksgiving for cooking and such) to participate in NaNoWriMo. For those of you who are scratching their heads right now and going, "huh?", that's National Novel Writers Month, NaNoWriMo for short. The goal is to pound out a novel of fifty thousand words or more in thirty days. Yes, I did it, and finished six days early, which gave me the title of "winner". What that gives me is a couple of exclusive offers from self-publishing houses as well as some other sponsor goodies. What I really got out of it was a full-blown novel. Yup! I'm an author! Okay, so it's not on the market yet, but I'm hoping that it will be soon. When it's all done, it will be for sale on Amazon.com. Look for it, it's called "The Father's Footsteps". I hope you enjoy it. I'll let everyone know when it hits. Eeep! I'm kind of excited!
Other stuff has been going on. A bit of family stuff here in the States. If all y'all don't mind lifting my family up in prayer when you think of it, I would sure appreciate it, God knows the reasons.
My Punky Doodle will (hopefully) be back home in the States with her Hubster and two babies. I can't wait to hug on their crazy necks and spoil the Granddaughters more than I have long distance! I'm not the least bit excited, can you tell?
My Bestie has had a rough go of it, too. I wish there was more that I could do other than my prayers and a shoulder when needed...I hope she knows that I think and pray for her often. If she didn't know before, then I know she knows now...say that one five times fast! LOL! Seriously, that's another prayer request for all of you prayer warriors out there.
We had a bit of excitement with one of my fur-babies, Uno. Had no clue what was going on with him and took him to the vet. Found out the little guy had a bladder stone (owie!). For those of you who have never given a cat medicine, let me tell you, it ranks right up there with giving one a bath! I wrapped that boy up in a heavy beach towel...it went around him four times, mind you...that sucker is now in shreds. I didn't fare too well with that one, either. I look like I got in a fight with, well, a cat and lost, which I didn't. He got the medicine. All of it. Now when he sees the syringe of medicine, he runs and hides. Thankfully it's almost gone so he can relax for a bit, then it's back to the vet for a check up and hopefully the stone will be gone.
So, pretty much that's the month, almost two in a nutshell. Oh, wait, I almost forgot. This is Izzy's first Christmas with us. She's a coon hound mix and as curious as the cats. Well, I have the scat mat under the tree for the ornament's safety. She got curious about a 'toy' on one of the bottom branches. The cats tried to warn her about he scat mat, then scattered as she put her front paw on it. The next thing I see is Izzy backing up so fast her tail was in front of her and yelping at the same time. No, it doesn't hurt, it's like getting a static electricity shock, it's mostly a startle deterrent, but let me tell you, I laughed so hard I cried, then loved on her until she licked all the make-up off my face. She's a fast learner...when she hears it on, she makes a wide berth around it and needless to say, this year at least, my tree is still in the upright position and all ornaments are where they should be. Unless the robovac bumps into it again, but that's another story.
Finally, I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyous Christmas! Remember the reason why we celebrate Christmas, and bless others when you can. Find a reason to pay it forward this season. Hold the doors open for folks, even when they don't expect it. Don't be afraid to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas" and be gracious to those who have to say "Happy Holidays".
Be safe and sound and may you get everything you asked Santa for!
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