Writing with fibro...

You know, not too long ago someone asked me how I write with the fibro. It got me to thinking...I don't know.

I've been sitting at this computer, composing one thing or another for the last year or better and for the life of me, I can't figure out how the fibro fog doesn't make my writing simply unintelligible. I do know from time to time that bunny trails have actually been a benefit to my writing, but I am at a loss as to how I actually can string two words together sometimes so that they actually make sense.

I know that one person finds my work inspiring, I know that because she told me so, and I am humbled and flattered. Really I am. But I am not sure that moniker is deserving. Let's face it, I have been a bit of a scatter-brained individual all my life. A bit absent-minded, too. As I age, the absent mindedness gets the best of me and I stop in mid sentence and apparently get quite the vacant stare on my face. It bugs me, especially with the dementia and Alzheimer's that is in my family background. I get frustrated when I know the words I want to say and they don't come out. I feel stupid and scared. I mean, seriously, am I headed down that dreaded path?

My doctors say no. As far as I'm concerned, the jury's out on that one and only time will tell. I pray every day that I'm just absent minded and that's that.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, let me get back to the writing aspect.

I didn't know, or maybe I didn't think that fibromyalgia, a nerve disorder, would have anything to do with neurological synapses or the lack thereof. I'm a smart enough person, but seriously, what was I thinking?? Apparently, according to WebMD and Dr. Mark Pelligrino, “In fibro, our brain networking and intra-communication abilities are slowed/impaired, resulting in delayed thoughts or ‘timing-out' of our thoughts,” he explains. “But the memories are still there, even if it takes us a while to access them. Our brains are like my computer: sometimes works great, sometimes verrrrrrry sloooooooow!”

It is suggested that those of us who have to deal with fibromyalgia do some exercising...of our brains. Quieting our minds so that so many things aren't rushing around all at once. Doing crossword puzzles or memory games. Using our cognitive and motor skills, i.e. playing games or doing projects that encourage eye-hand coordination. Most of all, give yourself a break! Your brain processes at a different rate! While it may be a slower speed that it usually processes at, it also now has to deal with the nerves which are vying for its attention at the same time. So multitasking takes on a whole new meaning.

So...writing. I think that's where I was headed in the first place!

Just kidding...my writing helps me to focus on the task at hand. Because I do most of it when there is nothing on; no radio, no television and no Chatty Cathy, it is easier for me to focus on the words I want to type. When the cats are bouncing around, wanting to see what I'm doing; the dogs are playing and sending my office chair across the room with me in it. When Mouse is chatting at five hundred miles an hour about pink airplanes, pink hotels with her name on it and her "boyfriend"; and everything and everyone else is buzzing around me, well, that's when I close the computer and go rake leaves or something. I can't focus and I have to calm my mind before my brain just shuts down and says, "nap time!" Then you can forget about me being productive in any way.


To me, I think I'm just a normal person with a weird disorder trying to combat something that I've dealt with all my life (absent mindedness), but it is now multiplied by like...oh, I don't know...a bazillion times. I am flattered that I am an inspiration to some and I hope that somehow I have helped others, but to me...well, I'm just Lois. The woman that can find a post growing out of any sidewalk and walk right into it. The one who will trip on a piece of lint. I'm the one who will make up a word because I can't remember the one I was going to say, or I remember something I was going to say and talk about it twenty minutes later like we're still in the same conversation. I'm the one who struggles just as much as anyone else in trying to get my point across. The only difference between me and my biggest fans is that I've got you guys and them and I'm blessed beyond measure because of all of you.

  You inspire me,  and to me, that's a pretty sweet deal.

Now...what were we talking about?


Have a great week, everyone!


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