Well, Ladies and Gents....

Good morning, everyone!

Well, for the last month I have been engaged in working with a delightful young woman. She has been working diligently to make a deadline and has endured my quirks and nit-pickity-ness and between the two of us (mostly her)....

Well....the audio version of Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady is finished!!

Let me just give you a bit of background...if you've ever seen the T-Mobile commercials and heard a woman's voice narrating, that's our girl! Her name is Erin Fossa and I am humbled that she wanted to do my book!

It took a lot of editing and listening...sound adjustments, word adjustments and voices and through it all she made each and every adjustment without complaint. If it sounds like I'm gushing, well...I am!

Now, if you're wondering how to get the audio version of the book, it will be on audible.com; itunes.com; and amazon.com. We don't have a release date yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I know!

Have a fantastic week!


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