Good morning, Everyone!

Okay, well to be honest, it's afternoon here. But hey! It's morning somewhere! LOL
All kidding aside, here's the scoop.

The Father's Footsteps and Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady are out and doing not bad, but not awesome, off-the-charts-I'm-going-to-be-on-the-bestseller-list good. In fact, if you got to ratings, Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady is ranked at roughly 1.5 million and The Father's Footsteps is the caboose coming in at 3.9 million. That's the bottom of the sorghum barrel right there. No, that' not how many books have been sold, that's where we rank on the food chain of book sales.

So, this begs the question: What do I do to generate sales? Well, I gave away 174 copies of Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady in its first freebie promotion, only a handful, less than a dozen of The Father's Footsteps on it's latest freebie. Most will say its because I'm new, my name isn't out there and that is probably a true statement, but I want to be able to get out there and have people read my works. All y'all are great, because you read my blog every it pops up, for that I'm blessed! Hmm, gotten away from my train of thought, sorry.

This is the plan to generate some sales. I'm going to post a trivia contest on Facebook and Twitter. It will be a series of questions regarding cats and there will be five winners. The winners of this contest will have the opportunity to receive a free download of Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady from I plan on making the questions difficult, but not unanswerable.

Eep! This is going to be fun!

Keep an eye on my author page for the winners! Oh, and before I forget...if you've read either book, could I ask that you give me an honest review either on the facebook page or on That would be super! Thanks, everyone and if you're going to enter the contest...Good Luck!!

Have a blessed week!

**UPDATE** Want to win a free download of Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady? go here! and click the contest tab.


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