
Showing posts from June, 2015

An excerpt with a view...

Excerpt from The Trial of Andrew Osher: "The heat is suffocating and the pain, well it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I have no idea where I am. Screaming, sounds of horror and pain. Pleas to all within earshot not to come here, to tell their families not to desire this place. There’s a man next to me whose skin is melting off his bones like wax. As horrified as I am at the sight, the fright intensifies when his skin regenerates and the process starts over again. Screams seem to increase with every second, with every movement. There is no time here, time doesn’t exist, it’s just a penetrating realization that you are here, and you can’t escape. Time and space no longer exist. This place is the only place that exists. I smell something behind me. When I turn to see what it is, I find another man covered in rotting boils, crying, drool running out of his mouth, and writhing in pain as the boils continue to surface. The sight makes my already tortured stomach retch,...

Marriage in general

Okay, let me preface this blog with this: EVERYONE WAS CREATED EQUAL BY THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE...GOD.  There are no exceptions to this rule, God created all of mankind in His image, now what that particular man or woman does with what he or she has been given is their choice. I understand that some are hard-wired to walk a different path, I get that, but what we are seeing is nothing short know? I don't have words. As you should know by now, I am a Christian. I believe in God. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin...lived a sinless life; had a three year active ministry. Was arrested, tortured and crucified on a Roman cross. He bore the weight of the sin of the WORLD  (that's you, me and everyone else's sins...past, present and future), and died. He was buried, rose again after the third day and then ascended to the Father (God), where He waits to return and gather His people. I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, by my profession of my sins an...