Marriage in general
Okay, let me preface this blog with this: EVERYONE WAS CREATED EQUAL BY THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE...GOD. There are no exceptions to this rule, God created all of mankind in His image, now what that particular man or woman does with what he or she has been given is their choice. I understand that some are hard-wired to walk a different path, I get that, but what we are seeing is nothing short know? I don't have words.
As you should know by now, I am a Christian. I believe in God. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin...lived a sinless life; had a three year active ministry. Was arrested, tortured and crucified on a Roman cross. He bore the weight of the sin of the WORLD (that's you, me and everyone else's sins...past, present and future), and died. He was buried, rose again after the third day and then ascended to the Father (God), where He waits to return and gather His people. I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, by my profession of my sins and asking Jesus to be my Savior. I can never be unsaved now. Ever. Do I sin? Yes, but by confessing that sin, I am found guiltless in His eyes. Does that mean I continue to sin? Nope, that means I need to reevaluate my stand, turn from it and follow Him. Learn from my mistakes, confess them and move forward, forsaking those mistakes. I'm not perfect and I never will be on this earth...not until I go Home. I stand in faith. Period.
Now, that said, I'm going to stand on that faith, but I'm going to make one thing very clear. It is in black and white so that its understood. I love everyone. Some I love more than others, sure, but I love everyone...but I don't love their actions and sometimes their choices. Does that make me bad? Don't know, I guess that determination is yours. I know at least two people in my life who think I've drank too much Kool-aide and that I'm a bad person hiding behind the Cross. I'm human, let's say that first off, but do I hide behind the Cross? I guess you could say that, but I say that I am a sinner saved by grace who looks to the Cross as a symbol of sacrifice for me and for the whole world. I run to Jesus, I run to God and I rely on the Holy Spirit to have my back, so if that means that in their perception I hide behind the Cross, then so be it.
Okay, now to the meat of this blog. The SCOTUS determining that marriage should be acceptable across the board to traditional couples as well as same-sex couples. Again, I do not hate anyone. If folks find that a partner through their life means that they have one of the same sex, that's their business, not mine. I don't care what your sex life is or how different it is from mine. I don't care, but don't shove it in my face. You don't like it when I shove my faith in your face, don't shove your beliefs in mine. What's fair is fair.
I understand that you have issues with insurance, end of life decisions and so on...the Supreme Court probably should have ruled on that, but marriage is different. Marriage by design is for individuals of different genders. Look at the animal world, a lion needs a lioness...a male gorilla needs a female gorilla. A male seahorse needs a female seahorse...and love bugs need the other gender to make messes of their crazy selves all over our cars in the spring. Male and female. Do you remember the little cartoon of the little boy and the little girl in diapers. Each one is looking at what is inside and exclaiming, "there is a difference!" Yes, boys and girls, there is a difference. Male was made to copulate with female, in order to procreate. That is the reason for marriage. To procreate. In the Bible, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. He didn't say live your life and chill, the world was meant to be populated. A baby cannot be created without parts of both parents, that's biology 101. Sure a donor can be used, but bottom line is and one makes three.
Man with man cannot create. Woman with woman cannot create. It takes one of each gender. You know that, I know that.
While everyone is "celebrating" equality, I find it sad to see that a minority of individuals are tearing the moral fiber of everyone apart. Again, I don't care if you're black, white, purple or green...I don't care if you're straight or crooked, like girls, like boys or like trees...that's your thing, not mine. You already have equal rights under the Constitution, but under the laws of nature, well that's between you and God when your time comes. That is not for me to judge and please don't put me in the position where you've backed me into a corner, forcing me to give you an opinion, because now, at this juncture in human history, I won't do it. Don't force me to agree with your decision in's your decision, not mine. What you do behind closed doors is your business, not mine. Yes, I may mention salvation to you, but if you balk or don't want to hear it, then I'm not going to pursue you. I won't shove my faith down your throat. Its the do unto others thing in play. Will I "celebrate" with everyone else? No, because I don't agree that its a good thing. The wonderful thing about this Country right now, is that I have the inalienable right to disagree and tell you so without fear of persecution...for now. There will come a day when that right will no longer be available to me, and it won't be available to you, either.
For those of you who are in the LGBT community, I say I'm sure that you are pleased with your win. Now, according to the law, all that was not available to you, by law is now there. You have always had the ability to love whomever you choose, by the way. I will never hate you, but if you ever meet me, I will say hi to you, I might even hug you if I am so inclined. I will smile at you, have eye contact with you, I will probably tell you that I'm uncomfortable around you if you are more outgoing than what I'm used to. I will be honest with you and expect the same from you. But then again, I expect that from anyone with whom I'm friends or acquaintance. Those who are in the LGBT community that are friends and family will tell you that. We've had discussions, long ones. They know I disagree with their lifestyle, but they never question my love for them. Ever.
The world is changing, folks...and as I've mentioned before, as a Christian it means that I will be a beacon...a person who will be sounding the bell of Christ's return. It will be a theme here, so if this is something that you don't want to hear, then I will miss you as a reader (fair warning). You have the right to read or not to read this blog, and for now, I have the right to write it. You are welcome to your opinions of me, and if you are so inclined to share said opinions, I will respect them, as long as they are civil. Otherwise, I will employ the delete button. Again, fair warning. If I think the comments are useful to others, then they will stay, regardless of the content. All's fair in love and blogs.
But...I will encourage you to make sure of where you stand, because the world is changing and its not a good thing. What we take for granted here in the US, our freedom of expression, speech, religion, and all of the other rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, are soon to disappear. Soon it will be illegal to express ourselves, to worship as we please, to say what we think without being persecuted or arrested or even put to death. The signs are all there, open your eyes and look around. Make sure of where you stand in regards to God. There will come a time in your life where you will no longer have that decision, and when your life is over the choice will be moot. Your eternity will be determined...smoking or non-smoking, as it were.
Yes, I believe that. If I'm wrong, then I've lived a life loving others, giving of myself to help others and hopefully building a legacy that my children and grandchildren can be proud of. Where they can say that I gave of myself so that others could move forward. That I gave to others so that they could eat, be clothed or even have a roof over their heads, even if its temporary.
If I'm right, then I will be held accountable for the things that were not resolved, but I will still be able to enter Heaven because Jesus took my sins on His shoulders the day He was crucified, over two thousand years ago. He accepted me thirty two years ago when I asked Him into my life, when I asked Him to be my Savior, warts and all, and still loves me. My reward may be diminished, but it will not be taken away.
So, after my long-winded blog today, I will tell you, I can't celebrate with the rest of you. I believe that you have always fundamentally had that "right" to love whomever you want to. I believe the Court's time would have been better spent to fix the messes they have with allowing partners the necessary items like beneficiary and end of life decisions. They could have avoided the division in this Country that they've caused by taking the alternate route that would have satisfied both sides, but they took the polarizing route instead. ((shrug)) What's done is done. Now we deal with the aftermath. I will, however ask one thing. If you are one of those celebrating, don't disrespect those who don't share your joy. They have the right to mourn as much as you have the right to celebrate. Try to talk to others and respect their opinions. You might find that they respect yours even if they don't agree. This all comes down to this: Respect the other side's opinion...don't spew hatred because they don't agree. You wouldn't want them to do that to you, don't do that to them.
As you should know by now, I am a Christian. I believe in God. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, born of a virgin...lived a sinless life; had a three year active ministry. Was arrested, tortured and crucified on a Roman cross. He bore the weight of the sin of the WORLD (that's you, me and everyone else's sins...past, present and future), and died. He was buried, rose again after the third day and then ascended to the Father (God), where He waits to return and gather His people. I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, by my profession of my sins and asking Jesus to be my Savior. I can never be unsaved now. Ever. Do I sin? Yes, but by confessing that sin, I am found guiltless in His eyes. Does that mean I continue to sin? Nope, that means I need to reevaluate my stand, turn from it and follow Him. Learn from my mistakes, confess them and move forward, forsaking those mistakes. I'm not perfect and I never will be on this earth...not until I go Home. I stand in faith. Period.
Now, that said, I'm going to stand on that faith, but I'm going to make one thing very clear. It is in black and white so that its understood. I love everyone. Some I love more than others, sure, but I love everyone...but I don't love their actions and sometimes their choices. Does that make me bad? Don't know, I guess that determination is yours. I know at least two people in my life who think I've drank too much Kool-aide and that I'm a bad person hiding behind the Cross. I'm human, let's say that first off, but do I hide behind the Cross? I guess you could say that, but I say that I am a sinner saved by grace who looks to the Cross as a symbol of sacrifice for me and for the whole world. I run to Jesus, I run to God and I rely on the Holy Spirit to have my back, so if that means that in their perception I hide behind the Cross, then so be it.
Okay, now to the meat of this blog. The SCOTUS determining that marriage should be acceptable across the board to traditional couples as well as same-sex couples. Again, I do not hate anyone. If folks find that a partner through their life means that they have one of the same sex, that's their business, not mine. I don't care what your sex life is or how different it is from mine. I don't care, but don't shove it in my face. You don't like it when I shove my faith in your face, don't shove your beliefs in mine. What's fair is fair.
I understand that you have issues with insurance, end of life decisions and so on...the Supreme Court probably should have ruled on that, but marriage is different. Marriage by design is for individuals of different genders. Look at the animal world, a lion needs a lioness...a male gorilla needs a female gorilla. A male seahorse needs a female seahorse...and love bugs need the other gender to make messes of their crazy selves all over our cars in the spring. Male and female. Do you remember the little cartoon of the little boy and the little girl in diapers. Each one is looking at what is inside and exclaiming, "there is a difference!" Yes, boys and girls, there is a difference. Male was made to copulate with female, in order to procreate. That is the reason for marriage. To procreate. In the Bible, God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. He didn't say live your life and chill, the world was meant to be populated. A baby cannot be created without parts of both parents, that's biology 101. Sure a donor can be used, but bottom line is and one makes three.
Man with man cannot create. Woman with woman cannot create. It takes one of each gender. You know that, I know that.
While everyone is "celebrating" equality, I find it sad to see that a minority of individuals are tearing the moral fiber of everyone apart. Again, I don't care if you're black, white, purple or green...I don't care if you're straight or crooked, like girls, like boys or like trees...that's your thing, not mine. You already have equal rights under the Constitution, but under the laws of nature, well that's between you and God when your time comes. That is not for me to judge and please don't put me in the position where you've backed me into a corner, forcing me to give you an opinion, because now, at this juncture in human history, I won't do it. Don't force me to agree with your decision in's your decision, not mine. What you do behind closed doors is your business, not mine. Yes, I may mention salvation to you, but if you balk or don't want to hear it, then I'm not going to pursue you. I won't shove my faith down your throat. Its the do unto others thing in play. Will I "celebrate" with everyone else? No, because I don't agree that its a good thing. The wonderful thing about this Country right now, is that I have the inalienable right to disagree and tell you so without fear of persecution...for now. There will come a day when that right will no longer be available to me, and it won't be available to you, either.
For those of you who are in the LGBT community, I say I'm sure that you are pleased with your win. Now, according to the law, all that was not available to you, by law is now there. You have always had the ability to love whomever you choose, by the way. I will never hate you, but if you ever meet me, I will say hi to you, I might even hug you if I am so inclined. I will smile at you, have eye contact with you, I will probably tell you that I'm uncomfortable around you if you are more outgoing than what I'm used to. I will be honest with you and expect the same from you. But then again, I expect that from anyone with whom I'm friends or acquaintance. Those who are in the LGBT community that are friends and family will tell you that. We've had discussions, long ones. They know I disagree with their lifestyle, but they never question my love for them. Ever.
The world is changing, folks...and as I've mentioned before, as a Christian it means that I will be a beacon...a person who will be sounding the bell of Christ's return. It will be a theme here, so if this is something that you don't want to hear, then I will miss you as a reader (fair warning). You have the right to read or not to read this blog, and for now, I have the right to write it. You are welcome to your opinions of me, and if you are so inclined to share said opinions, I will respect them, as long as they are civil. Otherwise, I will employ the delete button. Again, fair warning. If I think the comments are useful to others, then they will stay, regardless of the content. All's fair in love and blogs.
But...I will encourage you to make sure of where you stand, because the world is changing and its not a good thing. What we take for granted here in the US, our freedom of expression, speech, religion, and all of the other rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, are soon to disappear. Soon it will be illegal to express ourselves, to worship as we please, to say what we think without being persecuted or arrested or even put to death. The signs are all there, open your eyes and look around. Make sure of where you stand in regards to God. There will come a time in your life where you will no longer have that decision, and when your life is over the choice will be moot. Your eternity will be determined...smoking or non-smoking, as it were.
Yes, I believe that. If I'm wrong, then I've lived a life loving others, giving of myself to help others and hopefully building a legacy that my children and grandchildren can be proud of. Where they can say that I gave of myself so that others could move forward. That I gave to others so that they could eat, be clothed or even have a roof over their heads, even if its temporary.
If I'm right, then I will be held accountable for the things that were not resolved, but I will still be able to enter Heaven because Jesus took my sins on His shoulders the day He was crucified, over two thousand years ago. He accepted me thirty two years ago when I asked Him into my life, when I asked Him to be my Savior, warts and all, and still loves me. My reward may be diminished, but it will not be taken away.
So, after my long-winded blog today, I will tell you, I can't celebrate with the rest of you. I believe that you have always fundamentally had that "right" to love whomever you want to. I believe the Court's time would have been better spent to fix the messes they have with allowing partners the necessary items like beneficiary and end of life decisions. They could have avoided the division in this Country that they've caused by taking the alternate route that would have satisfied both sides, but they took the polarizing route instead. ((shrug)) What's done is done. Now we deal with the aftermath. I will, however ask one thing. If you are one of those celebrating, don't disrespect those who don't share your joy. They have the right to mourn as much as you have the right to celebrate. Try to talk to others and respect their opinions. You might find that they respect yours even if they don't agree. This all comes down to this: Respect the other side's opinion...don't spew hatred because they don't agree. You wouldn't want them to do that to you, don't do that to them.
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