What Hell isn't....

What is Hell?

According to Wikipedia, hell is a place of punishment and torment in an afterlife (here's the Wiki link  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell ). It is also described as a place that is eternal, meaning there is no end, no light at the end of the tunnel...it doesn't stop. Ever.
There is talk from those who are into conspiracy theory that the largest hole drilled (14.4 meters) into the crust and beyond that is tapping into hell itself. Of course, there were many sensational news stories that came of that saying that super-sensitive microphones inserted into the bore-holes actually picked up human screams. When all was said and done, it turned out to be a hoax by a Finnish man.

Scientist theorize that the core of the earth is hotter than the photosphere of the sun, which sits at 5,500 C. What they say is that the core of the Earth is 6000C, making it 500C hotter than the sun's outer surface. That's mighty hot. The inner core of the sun is roughly 15,000,000C, which is enough to vaporize a planet unlucky enough to get close to it.

According to the Bible, however, Hell is depicted as a place of eternal torment. There is no end to the suffering, the heat is hotter than the sun and there is no way to quench the burning. Water vaporizes in its proximity. The death worm is eternal (worms that feed on dead bodies...probably maggots), it continually feeds on the flesh of those imprisoned there and there is no redemption. No light at the end of the tunnel. No get out of jail free card. No bail. It's eternal.

Here's what it's not. It is not an eternal party. There are no orgies going on, no drinking, gambling, sex, or any other vice you can think of. There are no eternal golf games with the devil, no elbows, winks and evil grins.

Something else about Hell. Everyone is invited. Doesn't matter if you volunteer at the local soup kitchen or are best buds with Hitler. Works aren't going to keep you out of there. Kind words aren't going to keep you from going. Giving to the poor, championing for those less fortunate, being Republican, Democrat or Tea Party isn't going to keep you out of there. There's only one thing to keep you from going to Hell, and some people are willing to relinquish their eternal souls to reject it. It can't be that simple. I can't do that. I like my life too much to change. I've heard a few of these, but the only way out is to accept Jesus as your Savior.

Okay, when you finish with your eye rolling, let me explain. Jesus was given the keys to Hell after He died and descended into the depths of the earth. When He rose again, He was victorious over Hell, and still had the Keys with Him. God made Him King over all. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Eternal Sovereign. Emmanuel. God says there's one way to Heaven and away from Hell (eternal separation from Him), and that's through His Son, Jesus Christ. Confession, repentance and acceptance of Christ as your Savior is the only requirement to go to Heaven. That's it. Nothing more. There are some things that a person gladly does with thanksgiving such as tithing and tending to widows and orphans...doing good. But the thing is, those things, those works are not what is keeping them from Hell. Salvation is. The Bible says that any who hears the Word of God (Romans 10:8-17) and believes it, believes in Christ as the Savior (Romans 1:16-17; 8:34), repents of sin (Romans 2:4-5; 6:1-2),  and confesses Jesus as the Christ (Romans 10:8-10), is saved. The remainder of what's known as "The Roman's Road" is baptism (Romans 6:3-4; 8:1) and present yourselves a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2, 11-12). I know that seems like a bunch of stuff, but it really isn't. The truth of the Gospel is easy, the Roman's Road spells it out for you. The truth is if you are presented with the Gospel (the Good News) and believe in Christ as Savior, calling on Him to be your Savior, confessing that you know that Heaven is out of reach for you as there is no way to achieve it apart from Christ, and mean it with every fiber of your being, then congratulations! You are now a new Creation in Christ, free from the bondage of Hell. The rest is a work in progress that others who have taken that step before you can help you through.

Ah, but Christ says the way isn't easy. There's no rose garden, no sparkly paths. You won't become rich, famous or equally well off. There are going to be times when you wonder just what it was that you did when troubles come knocking at your door. Be assured that you are Christ's, none can snatch you from the Father's hand. The Bible says when you are saved, your name is written in the Book of Life and it cannot be erased. It is also written in the palm of God's hand. What a wonderful word picture! No, life won't be fair, it never was before and it won't be after. Your paths may not be straight anymore, there might be twists and turns you've never imagined, but you have one certainty. Christ is with you no matter what. You will no longer ever be alone. He will help you through the good times and the bad, through peace and persecution. When it comes time to leave this life and go the the final one, the eternal one, you will open your eyes to Heaven and not Hell. Hell has no place for the Christian.

Let me leave you with one more thing...an author's look at hell, and take note of the man with no eyes. Don't be that person. Ever. Accept Christ in your life. Now is a good time, because even a few minutes from now isn't promised.

Hell isn't a party. Don't let anyone, not friends, family, acquaintances, Hollywood or voices tell you otherwise. Its ugly torment that lasts forever with no end. Don't go there.

The Trial of Andrew Osher

Andrew tossed in his bed. His eyes darted quickly back and forth, as he entered the REM stage of sleep…the time nightmares come.

The heat is suffocating and the pain, well it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I have no idea where I am. Screaming, sounds of horror and pain. Pleas to all within earshot not to come here, to tell their families not to desire this place.
There’s a man next to me whose skin is melting off his bones like wax. As horrified as I am at the sight, the fright intensifies when his skin regenerates and the process starts over again.
Screams seem to increase with every second, with every movement. There is no time here, time doesn’t exist, it’s just a penetrating realization that you are here, and you can’t escape. Time and space no longer exist. This place is the only place that exists.
I smell something behind me. When I turn to see what it is, I find another man covered in rotting boils, crying, drool running out of his mouth, and writhing in pain as the boils continue to surface. The sight makes my already tortured stomach retch, and agonizing spasms race throughout my body. As the heaving continues, I drop to my knees, doubled over in intense anguish wishing that it would stop, but it doesn’t. My only thought is to get a bit of water….
All around me I hear crying, screaming…but one voice seems to be getting closer. From my kneeling position, I look up and see a woman running toward me, gouging wildly at her face and eyes. “Please! Get them off me! Make them stop!” she yells hysterically. She rips at the shirt she is wearing, exposing her stomach and arms, and then falls to the ground. Bulges in her skin begin to appear as she is jerked to her feet by something that I’ve never seen before. I hear frightened whispers around me, “It’s a Taskmaster.” The bulges erupt and bugs begin to emerge from the open wounds.  
Another Taskmaster goes by, dragging a man with no eyes. The man is grasping at the ground frantically trying to get a solid grip on anything that will keep him from his final destination. Crying, struggling, and clawing the ground with bloodied fingers to get away from the creature who has a vise-like grip on him, he screams out, “I did what I was supposed to! I never broke the law. I was a good person! Please! I don’t belong here! There must be some mistake!”
Still the screams continue and if possible, become more passionate, more desperate. I smell sulfur and burning hair and flesh. My skin crawls at the thought of people being burned alive and I have to wonder if that’s where the blind man is now.
The scenery around me suddenly begins to move, shapes change, and I find myself in another place. The stench has intensified to the point that it burns to breathe. The man who I had encountered earlier with the boils is now on his knees, hugging himself, his eyes bulging. His mouth opens, but no sound comes out. A look of intense horror comes over his face. I turn my head to see what has him so petrified, and then hear a scream of horror, but it’s not his scream.
 It’s my own.



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