Fear is the new normal
What a horrid statement to have to make, but it is true.
I was watching and reading about the aftermath of the shootings in San Bernadino yesterday into the wee hours of the morning. One thing that struck me was a reporter from CNN. Of Asian descent, and although her facial expression did not change, she was angry. Very angry. She was angry that people now know by heart what to do when there is an active shooter. And she is right to be angry, I know I am.
When your children know to Run/Hide/Fight when there is a shooter in the area, you know there is a problem with society. Now, I'm about to step on toes, so be sure to wear something that softens the blow if you're so inclined.
It's not about gun control. We have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the free world. Yes, it may seem easy to obtain a firearm, but in reality, those background checks are extensive. To suggest the checks and controls be similar to the "No Fly" list...well, it could have it's benefits, but for the most part, it's useless. Why? Because, those who do not fear the law will get around it. The black market, the deep web, if you want it, you can find it there for a price. Someone bent on jihad or someone who holds a deep grudge will not be deterred, even if it means building your own weapon.
Tragedies don't always invove firearms, either. Bombs are used. The murderers yesterday are said to have had the ingredients for pipe bombs, if not the actual completed units in their possession. Timothy McVeigh used fertilizer. Bottom line, if they're hell-bent on destruction, they'll use what they can get.
Now, to get this out of the way, yes, I believe in owning firearms for hunting and personal safety. I grew up that way; I was on the Rifle Team in high school, shot skeet, hunted and I'm still a pretty decent shot. Do I own a firearm? No. But I also know how to defend myself in other ways. Do I believe gun control is the answer to this travesty? No.
Here's my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Gun control isn't the answer. My opinion, and again, its only my honest opinion, is that people need to be aware of other people. What do I mean? I mean, put down that cell phone. Do some people watching. Get to know your neighbors. Say hi to people you pass on the street. Get to know your kid's teachers, coaches, mentors. Get to know your co-workers. That doesn't mean you have to socialize with them if you don't want to, but get to know them. Get to know the people you attend church with, the person you see at the grocery store every week, the convenience store clerk, your mailman. Do you know how valuable your smile and hello are? More than you would ever know.
Here's what a smile and hello can do: It can lift someones spirits if they're having a lousy day. I can change the mind of someone who is thinking of doing themselves harm. I can let someone know they are valuable. And most importantly, when you make eye contact, smile and say hello, your gut can tell you that somethings amiss. Trust your gut. If it yells out, "Danger, Will Robinson" beat feet out of there. Remember the face so that if something does happen, you can let the authorities know. Another thing that helps is prayer. Yeah, I went there.
Prayer keeps you connected to the Holy Spirit who helps you through even the worst situations. Now before I get a lot of hate comments, hear me out. God is not a God of fear. He is not a God of evil...quite the opposite. He's also not going to foist on you His will. Remember, it is your choice to do what you want, not His. He makes adjustments according to His plan for you. If you choose to shoot up a building full of people, He's not going to stand in your way. You will face the consequences of your actions according to our legal system. If you've rejected His offer of salvation, then you will face the consequences of that action as well. It is what it is.
Bottom line is, these people made a choice to kill those people. In my opinion, again, it was pre-planned before he went to that office party. My thought is he made the decision to create an altercation, thus giving him the fuel and reason to come back and shoot up the place. I'm no profiler, but this seems like a no-brainer. With him dead, however, we may never know unless they find rantings from him online or in writing somewhere. Regardless, to me prayer is a given, but to take a means of defense away from the people by restricting or taking away their ability to arm themselves is setting the United States up for internal issues...martial law enacted by unscrupulous politicians, no defense from outside individuals who have sworn death to America. We will be at their mercy with zero way to defend ourselves, because it will be illegal to do so.
Wake up people. Quit being haters, spewing rhetoric back and forth...quit trying to take away our only means of defense. By the way...what makes you think a well armed militia will be doing when martial law takes place, or jihad is enacted in full force? They won't be on American soil defending the people...they'll be boots on the ground elsewhere and we will be here with less than half the militia...horribly outnumbered and outgunned. Try calling your local law enforcement if trouble comes to your door. If you're lucky, they'll be there lickity-split...within five minutes. But in five minutes, if someone is in your home with a gun, you're dead...your family is dead and all the law enforcement will be able to do then is to bring in a forensic team. Think about that one. When trouble really hits, we're going to be up the creek and our paddles will have holes shot in them by the ones who will hold the power, the one who got their gun illegally. Criminals don't care one bit about laws, that's why they're called criminals. Now, if you choose to have a firearm in the house, use your head and think about safety. Keep them out of children's reach at all times. Train your children how to use them responsibly through safety courses. Use biometric safes. Do what you have to to protect your family from evil and accident. Don't leave them lying around so children will think they're toys, because they will think that.
Another thing in my little rant here, which is not what I had intended to do, but here it is. Now understand, this is me, my opinion, and you don't have to agree with me in any way, shape or form. In fact, I may just jack your jaws on this one. Sorry in advance.
Quit disrespecting those who are well meaning. Maybe the only thing that someone can do is pray. I don't care that you're agnostic, atheist or a tree hugger. Leave those who want to pray alone. They aren't hurting you. Sure, they may mention Jesus or salvation or prayer, but if you don't believe anyway, what harm are they doing to you? None. The same goes for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Yes, I understand the great Commission. I understand that we are to witness to the whole earth, but we are sowers, waterers and God gives the increase. Engaging in a futile yelling match with someone won't win them over. My Nanny used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Just saying.
I'm going to leave you with this:
I was watching and reading about the aftermath of the shootings in San Bernadino yesterday into the wee hours of the morning. One thing that struck me was a reporter from CNN. Of Asian descent, and although her facial expression did not change, she was angry. Very angry. She was angry that people now know by heart what to do when there is an active shooter. And she is right to be angry, I know I am.
When your children know to Run/Hide/Fight when there is a shooter in the area, you know there is a problem with society. Now, I'm about to step on toes, so be sure to wear something that softens the blow if you're so inclined.
It's not about gun control. We have some of the most stringent gun control laws in the free world. Yes, it may seem easy to obtain a firearm, but in reality, those background checks are extensive. To suggest the checks and controls be similar to the "No Fly" list...well, it could have it's benefits, but for the most part, it's useless. Why? Because, those who do not fear the law will get around it. The black market, the deep web, if you want it, you can find it there for a price. Someone bent on jihad or someone who holds a deep grudge will not be deterred, even if it means building your own weapon.
Tragedies don't always invove firearms, either. Bombs are used. The murderers yesterday are said to have had the ingredients for pipe bombs, if not the actual completed units in their possession. Timothy McVeigh used fertilizer. Bottom line, if they're hell-bent on destruction, they'll use what they can get.
Now, to get this out of the way, yes, I believe in owning firearms for hunting and personal safety. I grew up that way; I was on the Rifle Team in high school, shot skeet, hunted and I'm still a pretty decent shot. Do I own a firearm? No. But I also know how to defend myself in other ways. Do I believe gun control is the answer to this travesty? No.
Here's my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Gun control isn't the answer. My opinion, and again, its only my honest opinion, is that people need to be aware of other people. What do I mean? I mean, put down that cell phone. Do some people watching. Get to know your neighbors. Say hi to people you pass on the street. Get to know your kid's teachers, coaches, mentors. Get to know your co-workers. That doesn't mean you have to socialize with them if you don't want to, but get to know them. Get to know the people you attend church with, the person you see at the grocery store every week, the convenience store clerk, your mailman. Do you know how valuable your smile and hello are? More than you would ever know.
Here's what a smile and hello can do: It can lift someones spirits if they're having a lousy day. I can change the mind of someone who is thinking of doing themselves harm. I can let someone know they are valuable. And most importantly, when you make eye contact, smile and say hello, your gut can tell you that somethings amiss. Trust your gut. If it yells out, "Danger, Will Robinson" beat feet out of there. Remember the face so that if something does happen, you can let the authorities know. Another thing that helps is prayer. Yeah, I went there.
Prayer keeps you connected to the Holy Spirit who helps you through even the worst situations. Now before I get a lot of hate comments, hear me out. God is not a God of fear. He is not a God of evil...quite the opposite. He's also not going to foist on you His will. Remember, it is your choice to do what you want, not His. He makes adjustments according to His plan for you. If you choose to shoot up a building full of people, He's not going to stand in your way. You will face the consequences of your actions according to our legal system. If you've rejected His offer of salvation, then you will face the consequences of that action as well. It is what it is.
Bottom line is, these people made a choice to kill those people. In my opinion, again, it was pre-planned before he went to that office party. My thought is he made the decision to create an altercation, thus giving him the fuel and reason to come back and shoot up the place. I'm no profiler, but this seems like a no-brainer. With him dead, however, we may never know unless they find rantings from him online or in writing somewhere. Regardless, to me prayer is a given, but to take a means of defense away from the people by restricting or taking away their ability to arm themselves is setting the United States up for internal issues...martial law enacted by unscrupulous politicians, no defense from outside individuals who have sworn death to America. We will be at their mercy with zero way to defend ourselves, because it will be illegal to do so.
Wake up people. Quit being haters, spewing rhetoric back and forth...quit trying to take away our only means of defense. By the way...what makes you think a well armed militia will be doing when martial law takes place, or jihad is enacted in full force? They won't be on American soil defending the people...they'll be boots on the ground elsewhere and we will be here with less than half the militia...horribly outnumbered and outgunned. Try calling your local law enforcement if trouble comes to your door. If you're lucky, they'll be there lickity-split...within five minutes. But in five minutes, if someone is in your home with a gun, you're dead...your family is dead and all the law enforcement will be able to do then is to bring in a forensic team. Think about that one. When trouble really hits, we're going to be up the creek and our paddles will have holes shot in them by the ones who will hold the power, the one who got their gun illegally. Criminals don't care one bit about laws, that's why they're called criminals. Now, if you choose to have a firearm in the house, use your head and think about safety. Keep them out of children's reach at all times. Train your children how to use them responsibly through safety courses. Use biometric safes. Do what you have to to protect your family from evil and accident. Don't leave them lying around so children will think they're toys, because they will think that.
Another thing in my little rant here, which is not what I had intended to do, but here it is. Now understand, this is me, my opinion, and you don't have to agree with me in any way, shape or form. In fact, I may just jack your jaws on this one. Sorry in advance.
Quit disrespecting those who are well meaning. Maybe the only thing that someone can do is pray. I don't care that you're agnostic, atheist or a tree hugger. Leave those who want to pray alone. They aren't hurting you. Sure, they may mention Jesus or salvation or prayer, but if you don't believe anyway, what harm are they doing to you? None. The same goes for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Yes, I understand the great Commission. I understand that we are to witness to the whole earth, but we are sowers, waterers and God gives the increase. Engaging in a futile yelling match with someone won't win them over. My Nanny used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Just saying.
I'm going to leave you with this:
2 Timothy 3New King James Version (NKJV)
Perilous Times and Perilous Men
3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Be safe, be blessed and have a great weekend everyone.
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