Remembering and Honoring those who've passed from this life
They say that if you stop learning, then that is the time you may as well say your goodbyes. Of course, that's my version of it, but it was Albert Einstein who said it before me. Smart man, and it was proven with a Nobel Prize in 1921. So far, learning is still part of my daily life, so perhaps I'm still good, eh? What I learned in the last few years, is that sometimes something that we take as tradition isn't necessarily correct. Take Memorial Day, for instance. I've always known its about the Military who had fallen in previous wars or skirmishes, but I also have learned, just here lately, that the men and women of our Military would rather you remember those who are gone on this day and not the ones who are still living. Makes sense. After all, Memorial means to remember. Remember who left behind family, friends and the "Life of Riley," as it were, to go to foreign lands. It means to remember how they put their lives on the line to ensure that the United...