In this year of politics...
Wow. Just wow.
I have heard so much nonsense regarding politics, that I've gotten to the point that I just have to let loose or I'm going to blow a gasket. Just so you know ahead of time, I'm a Conservative. I vote Republican, but I will vote another party if I feel the Candidate best reflects my views. This year, that's a resounding absolutely not. Anyway, this is a rant, period.
I have a friend, a staunch Democrat, who gigs me at every turn. Don't get me wrong, I love this guy, he's a friend and always will be. I treasure my friends, even when our religious views and political views clash. However, I have this against him...he paints with a large brush, loaded with disdain for anything or anyone who has a different view. Democrats are the party who, despite being very liberal in their views, is the party who has the most common sense. Personally, I disagree, but that's another blog for another day.
Here's what I have to say about this year and politics. Enough. Enough! Yes, its an election year. Yes, we have candidates that most are wondering who is the lesser of the two evils. Neither one is a "Dream Candidate." Its very disappointing, really. However, this is more about people than the Candidates.
Let's get this straight. Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Tea Party...I don't care about the political affiliation you have. Take some responsibility for your actions!
Did you rob a business and get arrested/shot/killed? Excuse me, but when did it become acceptable to take from someone else? Last I read, the Ten Commandments say not to steal. Pretty straight forward, people. Don't have money to buy the latest smart phone, the best sneakers or the coolest ride/rims? Get a stinking job! McDonalds is always hiring somewhere. Don't want to sling burgers? Go to Dominoes or Pizza Hut. No, its not going to give you the bling you desire, but it will give you some responsibility, and make you a contributing member of society. Save your money for the things you want, get out of your Mama's house and grow up. There are jobs out there, welfare and unemployment were not created for you to live off the Government's teat for your entire life.
Did something happen that you didn't like? Protesting is okay, trashing neighborhoods and looting businesses is not. In the Constitution you have the right to PEACEFUL protests, not rioting, looting and personal harm...those are illegal and you should be prosecuted. If you are arrested because you engaged in rioting, looting and personal harm of another individual, then you have reaped what you've sown.
My friend has posted and said as much, that the race division is the Republican's fault. I beg to differ. You want to blame someone? Blame all of the politicians. They all Race Bait. I don't care what side of the line you're on, they all do it. Quit blaming the republicans/democrats. Blame the individuals who are doing it. It has nothing to do with political affiliation, it has to do with racism and hate in that person's heart. Blame them, not the party, not the Conservative individuals who are trying to steer the moral ship back to its roots. Let me tell you something, like it or not, this Country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. In your core being, you have a moral have the choice to listen to that compass or not. Don't blame someone else for your failings. It is not the fault of someone who was born over 200 years ago. They were not the ones whispering in your ear to commit the crime, live off the government or hang out with the gang all day instead of being a responsible adult. Go to school, learn a career, get a job. Very few people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths...very few are a Golden Child, one who shoots to fame or fortune in the worlds of showbiz, music or professional sports. Most have had to pay their dues, work hard for what they've achieved, and continue to work hard to maintain the lifestyle if they so desire to. It's not going to be handed to you. Work for it.
For those of you who are about to point the racist finger at me, hold on. For that one finger that's pointing at me, notice there are three more pointing back at you. Black, white, yellow, brown, red...all parts of the ethnic spectrum are being pointed at. Its not just one race that is at fault, they all have their issues, although there are fewer of some than there are of others. My point here is that its not Political Parties at fault for the race divisions, although they are pot-stirrers, let me tell you. No, the spike in crimes, the spike in unemployment or welfare...its all of them. Oh, and before there is mention of a downturn in unemployment? Here ya go...unemployment is down because of this: People are discouraged. There are some who have run out of benefits because they cannot find a job to support their families, so they have taken part time jobs to make ends meet...multiple jobs, with no benefits, that's why there's a downturn in the unemployment rate. They have to pay the ridiculous premiums of Obamacare, and if they choose not to, they are penalized at tax time for not having insurance. So they take another job just to pay for the insurance they are REQUIRED to have by law...something that their employer does not offer. Poverty has hit new levels.
Seriously, Political Parties are responsible for many things, for how you respond to your personal situation, they are not. Get over being butt-hurt every time someone says something that you don't like. Quit pouting when someone else wins a game. Not everyone is good at everything, sometimes there are people who are better at it than you are. Get over it. Find something you're good at or something you enjoy and get better at it. Not everyone needs a trophy just for showing up. That's what competition is all about...the one who does it better gets the award, not those who just show up. That defeats the purpose of competition. You want to be a doctor, lawyer, actor, musician? Work at it. Go to school and do the work, don't expect someone to do the work for you. No one on God's green earth owes you anything just because you breathe the same air as they do. Go out and do something to earn what you want, don't take it by force or expect it to be handed to you. Work for it.
Okay, I think I've ranted enough. Yes, this is a bee in my bonnet. Yes, I'm opinionated. Yes, I'm old-school...I believe in morals, and justice, and competition, and fairness. If that makes me wrong or judgmental in your eyes, I'm sorry. I try to be as fair as possible to everyone, even those who think I'm off my rocker.
To conclude, I hope that I've given you food for thought. Please do not use a broad brush to paint everyone the same. Everyone is unique and has the ability to choose what they will do. Despite my desire that everyone use their own brain to make right decisions, I know some will not. Are they Democrats or Republicans? Who cares? A political affiliation doesn't define them. Their actions, and their words define them, not the people we elect.
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