The Tragedy in Orlando
I've been reading so many articles in the last couple of days regarding the mass shooting in Orlando. So many are politically leaning it isn't even funny. Last night, a story regarding Westboro showed up on my news feed, the only surprise in that is how long it took to show up. I want to make one thing clear: Westboro Baptist Church does not represent my Christian walk, nor does it represent anyone else that I know who are Christians. Today, as I was scanning my Facebook news feed, another story popped up. A Baptist Pastor is saying its good the massacre happened. Say what? I absolutely took a double take and read the story with accompanying video. To say I'm flabbergasted that a professed Christian outside of Westboro would say such a thing boggles my mind. Now, keep in mind, as far as I know we have the same Bible. Yes, the Bible condemns homosexuality and calls it an abomination. In the Old Testament such people were stoned when it was found out. The New Testament as...