The Tragedy in Orlando

I've been reading so many articles in the last couple of days regarding the mass shooting in Orlando. So many are politically leaning it isn't even funny. Last night, a story regarding Westboro showed up on my news feed, the only surprise in that is how long it took to show up. I want to make one thing clear: Westboro Baptist Church does not represent my Christian walk, nor does it represent anyone else that I know who are Christians.

Today, as I was scanning my Facebook news feed, another story popped up. A Baptist Pastor is saying its good the massacre happened. Say what? I absolutely took a double take and read the story with accompanying video. To say I'm flabbergasted that a professed Christian outside of Westboro would say such a thing boggles my mind.

Now, keep in mind, as far as I know we have the same Bible. Yes, the Bible condemns homosexuality and calls it an abomination. In the Old Testament such people were stoned when it was found out. The New Testament as well says its an abomination, but says nothing about stoning them. In fact, 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 says that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Does it say to hate them? Nope. Does it say to kill them? Nope. In fact, Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount gave us two Matthew 22: 34-40 He says"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’[d] 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’[e] 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

I don't know about you, but those are pretty clear. 
A life is a life, and no one should have their lives violently taken from them the way these were. To say they deserved it is wrong and does not have a place in a Christian's vocabulary.  

And just in case there is a question about my stance on the death penalty, that's another subject for another day, so please, no hate mail on this one. 

Just remember, these folks were someones kids, friends, brothers and sisters, and to them, they are devastated. Imagine if it were you in their position, how much you would be grieving right now. Would it matter to you whether or not they were gay? No, what matters is that you would be burying your child, something that should never have to happen. 

In conclusion, I want to issue this challenge. Pray. Pray for those who will have a long time in recovery, whether its physical or mental. Pray for those who've lost loved ones. Pray for those First Responders who worked the scene. Pray for the doctors, nurses and medical staff who attended or are still attending to the wounded or dead. Pray for the family of the gunman, and finally, please, please, please...Pray for this Nation. The Bible says that "where two or more are gathered in My Name, there I am in the midst." Let us come into agreement and pray.


  1. That was quite touchy, LA. I've heard similar responses here in Lagos as well that the shooting serves them right. One thing we need to start teaching in the churches today is the basic truths about the Gospel! Gospel mean good-news which in turn is a Mystery! A mystery cannot be understood by a canal mind. It's a mystery that Christ died for sinners AND NOT SAINTS! How come that we become super-saints overnight and forget to shed the light of the Gospel to others out there? How come we allow the devil's twisting of the gospel by hating the sin and the sinners at the same time? Jesus hates sin but ABSOLUTELY LOVES THE SINNERS!!! This is the Gospel! The destruction at Sodom & Gomorrah came from God and not from man! Let God be the Judge of the gays. In fact they are judged and condemned already, but the GRACE is still available. I always draw a lesson from the story of the Prodigal son which I gave another title of: The story of two lost sons. The elder (at home) was sad that the younger (prodigal) was found! Was it not similar to Jonah's attitude to the Ninevehs? Why many today's Christians are happy about the calamities of the sinners is still a mystery to me. We definitely need a whole lot of teachings on the true meaning of God's Unending Love (that was the sermon title in our local church last Sunday).
    We don't have to partake nor appreciate sin, we should abhor the sin but habour the sinner.
    God bless you
    Adeyinka, Lagos Ng.


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