What if

What if the road you're on is not the road that God would have chosen for you? What if your decisions were in effect, the essence of turning your back to His calling? What if.

I was watching a film, of that name, today with Mouse. Made me wonder, especially when the lead, Kevin Sorbo, talked about Moses and the burning bush. Moses made all kinds of excuses as to why he couldn't lead the Israelites out of Egypt. What if Ramses didn't believe that God told him to take them out of Egypt. What if he didn't believe the signs and wonders that he performed in front of him? He didn't have the eloquent speech that others had, and on and on. The conversation was full of what ifs. Then God told Moses, Who made you? If you think you can't speak well enough, then there's Aaron, go tell him to speak for you. I AM WHO I AM.

The thing is, what if we actually listened to God's prompting for our lives? Would we live perfectly, never knowing want or hurt or anger or fear? No, that's never been promised. In fact, the Bible clearly states that we are going to experience trials and tribulations as a Child of God. So, why would we want to walk God's path instead of our own? I mean, the world has an abundance of things to offer, here, now, and all God has to offer is eternal life. Good question.

There are days that I struggle with this question. Yes, even as a Child of God, I struggle. I offer up excuses, I'm not good enough. I can't sing in tune sometimes. I've never taught before, much less High Schoolers, and they can be pretty brutal sometimes. I can't give you a break-down of a sentence if I tried, high school is too far removed for me to remember. The list is endless, and yet, the Bible says that as a Child of God, I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I, in my own opinion, have not taken the necessary courses to teach, to sing, to write, to raise a child with Down Syndrome, but here I am, killing it (as they say). I taught high school Sunday School for five years, and learned more then than I had in the thirty plus years before that. I was fairly young in my walk with God...I didn't think I could do it, but I did, and I wouldn't trade that time for all the tea in China.
I am musically inclined, but I haven't picked up an instrument since high-school...haven't sung in a choir since Junior High (middle school for those younger than me. ;)  ). Yet, I sang specials, was in a Praise Team, sang at a National Day of Prayer gathering with said Praise Team, and now sing in our Worship Choir at Church. Do I sing exceptionally well? Nah...sometimes I barely get the notes right, and sometimes, I'm an octave lower. Does that stop me from praising God? Nope, you can see me most Sundays singing my heart out, raising my hands and smiling because I know that I'm singing to my Lord. Its only after seeing myself a couple of times on a recorded feed that I wonder what people must think of the goofball in usually the last row, bouncing around, waving her hands and grinning like she belongs in a funny farm. At first I felt a little awkward, but someone told me later that they enjoyed watching me, that they knew that I was singing not for the audience of many, but for the audience of One. Since then, I haven't really cared how I look, I know God sees my heart, and I sing for Him.
When I was in high school, I think I've shared before that I had a teacher who told me that I could write, and write well. I just had to get my head out of the clouds, apply myself and do it. Took me 34 years to take his advice, and my first book, The Father's Footsteps: Elias came out on Amazon. Not the best that I've written, but it wasn't bad, either. That was followed by Diary of a Crazy Cat Lady, Angel's Saga, and there are five more in the hopper waiting to be finished. Am I Hemingway or Steinbeck or Tan? Nope. Never was, never will be. Will I ever make the top 100? Perhaps, but it doesn't matter. I'm an Author. Its what I've wanted to do, and now I'm doing it.
Now for the biggie. I'm a mom of a daughter with Down Syndrome...Mouse, as most of you know her. That's one that I never thought I was prepared for, but you know what? God prepared me in interesting ways. I befriended a kid in elementary school, one who, if I remember correctly, was bullied a bit. He went through a lot throughout his school life, even incurring an injury that left him without some fingers. He went through seminary and told me to read my Bible (before I was saved), to remember that when I went to a church, if they didn't preach and teach the Bible that I was to run, not walk, to the nearest exit. That God would place me where He wanted me and that I would know it when I walked through the doors. We lost touch for a while, and now we're friends again on social media, and I haven't forgotten what he'd said. I volunteered my time in sixth grade to help out with the class that was set aside for students who were deaf. I learned sign language there. I helped out in High School one summer, with folks in the Nevada State Hospital. Folks that were there because they were hard to handle, and had specific special needs. When I married the first time, I worked as a Teaching Assistant in a class for kids who had various special needs...kids who were abused, kids who had homicidal/suicidal tendencies, at least one who was autistic. God prepared me for Mouse in a way that I never saw coming. He gave me a heart that loved those with special needs. a tender heart, if you will.

So, why all of this background? Because I just felt that God is prompting someone, and you have every excuse in the book. You're not good enough. You don't have the training. You don't like something. Maybe, just maybe, you're not saved, you're not churched, why on earth would He choose you? You don't even think you believe in Him. Let me give you a bit of advice. Listen to that still, small voice. Really, what have you got to lose? I can tell you that life may not end up how you envision it. In fact, it might be on the opposite side of the road from where you think you want to be. Times could be tough, I'm not going to lie to you. But, God has something in store for you that you never could have imagined.

I never imagined my life this way. I was on a path that could have turned out much differently, but God, and Mouse, had different plans for me. I sit and wonder, what if I had chosen differently? What if I had married the guy I was engaged to initially? Would I still have had my Mouse? Would I be a Grandma now, or would I have been a jet-setter, seeing the world? Would I have been successful, rich and thin? Somehow, I don't think so, but I entertain the idea anyway. I don't regret my choices, don't misunderstand. I embrace them, I am more than excited about my life when this one passes. I probably could have listened to God more along the way instead of doing things my way, but the steps I've taken since October 27, 1983 at 2;22 p.m. have led me to a place in my life where God is. I don't always get it right, I have a lot of learning to continue to do. I have a lot of stumbling left to do, and a lot of arguing with God about which way I should go, and finding out that His way is always the best way. I'm a work in progress, that won't be finished until my life is finished, and I'm good with that.

So, what if God is whispering in your ear? Are you going to give Him all of the same excuses, or are you going to listen to what He has to say to you? Are you going to take the left fork in the road or the right one? Are you going to look at what the world has to offer or are you going to take the chance that maybe, just maybe, God knows what's best? The choice is really yours. He's not going to make the decision for you. He's not going to tell you that following Jesus is in your best interest, He's going to let you make that choice for yourself. The road won't be easy, you'll be mocked, called all sorts of names and perhaps down the road, really abused for being a Christian. The Bible warns all believers that's a possibility, but don't let that deter you. The reward for following Christ is better than all the world and its temporary rewards can give you, because in the end, the world and all its treasures will be burned up, and only the pure will survive. That, most likely, will be very little, but what God has to offer is Eternal Life with Him. In a place so glorious, this world and all it has to offer will look like the ghetto in comparison. All sorrow, all suffering, all diseases will be gone. The alternative? Pain, suffering, eternal separation from God. Weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Wow. rereading this makes me think that this is a really down blog. Maybe, for some, it is, but there's one person who needs this, and because of that, I don't plan on changing a word. I get some of you will probably leave and not come back...I'm too much of a downer, a nay-sayer, a doom and gloom writer. I get that. You do what you feel you need to do, I will not condemn you for doing so. I just pray, that if this is for you, that you will consider listening to that voice that is calling to you. Listen to what God has to say.

May God bless all of you in your coming week.


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