Well, I'm home from a weekend seeing my cousin, Debi. To be honest with you, even when I left, I felt that things were not going to go well. Apparently God has different plans. Now whether or not He is going to go all out or not is yet to be seen, but as I mentioned above, I'm more than willing to wait in eager anticipation.
When I got to my parent's house Thursday, I was beat (my Cousin and her family live next door). I told my parents that I'd go next door to see her the next day. Her daughters and grandsons came in on Friday morning,and I went with Mom and Dad to Benson earlier in the day. After lunch/dinner, I told them I was going next door. When I hiked the, oh, 1/32nd of an acre to their door, I was greeted by my Cousin-in-Love and his son. I was a little surprised at how much weight she had lost since my last visit in January. Not much meat on those bones. I talked with her for a little bit, but she got tired easily, so I left.
The next day, Kristina and I went to Sierra Vista to take something back to Walmart, grab a couple of things for Deb and the kids. We also were on the hunt for essential oils, which took us a while to find. We finally found them and headed back, three hours after we left.
Now, understand, I rarely travel with my Bible because I do my reading on my laptop, and I never travel with anointing oil. This time, I had the feeling that I needed to bring both. When I got there, my vial was empty...I had no idea why. That's the reason for the essential oils.
While we were out and before we got back to the house, we had discussed a number of things, one of them was Debi's following of the Native American ideology of spirit guides, except the one that had "been with her" for years was not benevolent, so when we got there, I mixed my oils, put it in the vial and prayed over it. When I walked over to the house, I anointed the window outside of her bedroom, the doorposts of the outside door, her bedroom door and because I couldn't reach, asked her husband to anoint the inside of the window in her room. Kristina had been talking to her about God not only when she got there, but for a while before, so when we got there that afternoon, we started to talk to her about Jesus . I had been praying for a small moment that I could talk to her about Jesus, any lucid moment, because she had been "drifting," the chemotherapy had taken out some of her memory function. When she was agreeable about talking about Jesus, I was excited, but really nervous since I had never done this before. We started with binding the spirit, which she could "see" and casting it out in Jesus' name, then I used a method I had learned using the cell phone to witness to her about Jesus. The light came on in her eyes. She was understanding it! That late afternoon hour, my cousin Debi accepted Jesus into her life as her Lord and Savior!
Now for why I am waiting in anxious anticipation...things are starting to happen. When the hospital released her to home hospice, the doctors gave her 48 hours to two months, regardless of the fact that her lungs were now clear! She has passed the 48 hour mark, and these are the things that have occurred: Her blood pressure is up to her normal. Her O2 levels topped out at 99 (no oxygen given). The Kennedy ulcers are going away. She was barely eating, now, as of today, she has eaten 3 times! She is lucid, alert and full of (excuse the expression) piss and vinegar. She even threw a remote at me and almost made it all the way to make contact! Her mind isn't wandering like it has been...she's making improvements!
I know, I know, this could be the calm before the storm, so to speak. HOWEVER, I am going to count it all glory...God is moving. Not sure if it is what is often seen before passing or if it is literal improvement, but I'll take it. For right now, it's good to see my cousin smiling and its good to see the sparkle in her eyes when we were verbally playing around. I can only give God the glory for all of it. If it turns out that this is the "well" before the passing, then I will glorify God for the smiles we shared, the laughter and the time we spent together, and the time she spent with her family.
When I got to my parent's house Thursday, I was beat (my Cousin and her family live next door). I told my parents that I'd go next door to see her the next day. Her daughters and grandsons came in on Friday morning,and I went with Mom and Dad to Benson earlier in the day. After lunch/dinner, I told them I was going next door. When I hiked the, oh, 1/32nd of an acre to their door, I was greeted by my Cousin-in-Love and his son. I was a little surprised at how much weight she had lost since my last visit in January. Not much meat on those bones. I talked with her for a little bit, but she got tired easily, so I left.
The next day, Kristina and I went to Sierra Vista to take something back to Walmart, grab a couple of things for Deb and the kids. We also were on the hunt for essential oils, which took us a while to find. We finally found them and headed back, three hours after we left.
Now, understand, I rarely travel with my Bible because I do my reading on my laptop, and I never travel with anointing oil. This time, I had the feeling that I needed to bring both. When I got there, my vial was empty...I had no idea why. That's the reason for the essential oils.
While we were out and before we got back to the house, we had discussed a number of things, one of them was Debi's following of the Native American ideology of spirit guides, except the one that had "been with her" for years was not benevolent, so when we got there, I mixed my oils, put it in the vial and prayed over it. When I walked over to the house, I anointed the window outside of her bedroom, the doorposts of the outside door, her bedroom door and because I couldn't reach, asked her husband to anoint the inside of the window in her room. Kristina had been talking to her about God not only when she got there, but for a while before, so when we got there that afternoon, we started to talk to her about Jesus . I had been praying for a small moment that I could talk to her about Jesus, any lucid moment, because she had been "drifting," the chemotherapy had taken out some of her memory function. When she was agreeable about talking about Jesus, I was excited, but really nervous since I had never done this before. We started with binding the spirit, which she could "see" and casting it out in Jesus' name, then I used a method I had learned using the cell phone to witness to her about Jesus. The light came on in her eyes. She was understanding it! That late afternoon hour, my cousin Debi accepted Jesus into her life as her Lord and Savior!
Now for why I am waiting in anxious anticipation...things are starting to happen. When the hospital released her to home hospice, the doctors gave her 48 hours to two months, regardless of the fact that her lungs were now clear! She has passed the 48 hour mark, and these are the things that have occurred: Her blood pressure is up to her normal. Her O2 levels topped out at 99 (no oxygen given). The Kennedy ulcers are going away. She was barely eating, now, as of today, she has eaten 3 times! She is lucid, alert and full of (excuse the expression) piss and vinegar. She even threw a remote at me and almost made it all the way to make contact! Her mind isn't wandering like it has been...she's making improvements!
I know, I know, this could be the calm before the storm, so to speak. HOWEVER, I am going to count it all glory...God is moving. Not sure if it is what is often seen before passing or if it is literal improvement, but I'll take it. For right now, it's good to see my cousin smiling and its good to see the sparkle in her eyes when we were verbally playing around. I can only give God the glory for all of it. If it turns out that this is the "well" before the passing, then I will glorify God for the smiles we shared, the laughter and the time we spent together, and the time she spent with her family.
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