
Showing posts from January, 2018

Hell...are you listening now?

What if I told you that Heaven and Hell are real destinations? Would you believe me? No, this isn't a discussion about religion, it's about a relationship, and a free gift. Yeah, a weird combination of events, but it's true. Lets start with the fact that many religions believe in Heaven, Nirvana, Paradise, whatever you want to call it. No matter how you slice it, probably about 90% of the world's population believe there is an afterlife that includes some sort of place that resembles Heaven. Being a Christian myself, I am definitely looking forward to Heaven...the questions answered, the Glory that will unfold in front of me, Everlasting Life...yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Not that I want to go there today, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that would be my destination. Final answer. Lock it in. However, not as many people believe in Hell. I don't care how twisted a human mind is, or how much devastation has happened, or how abhorrent living condit...

The sur-reality of it all

Today, I'm sitting in front of my back window...the one that looks into the backyard. One of my most favorite places to be, because on any given day I can watch the dogs do their thing, whether it's playing or doing what needs to be done. I can sit and watch on warm days, the girls, when they're here, play outside with their Aunt, or watch the birds at the feeders. Houston, I have to say has some pretty fantastic weather, for the most part. Including today. So, it's January 16, 2018. In Houston. The city known for all four seasons occurring in a 24 hour period. Today, we only get one season. Arctic.'s stinking cold out there. The Weather Channel says it's 27 degrees out there, with a "feels like" factor of 16. That's 16 degrees, Fahrenheit. Earlier this morning, we had freezing rain. The 'tink, tink, tink' of the pellets on my kitchen window told me that it wasn't snow. To be honest, I thought some vine on the side of the hou...