Hell...are you listening now?

What if I told you that Heaven and Hell are real destinations? Would you believe me?
No, this isn't a discussion about religion, it's about a relationship, and a free gift. Yeah, a weird combination of events, but it's true.

Lets start with the fact that many religions believe in Heaven, Nirvana, Paradise, whatever you want to call it. No matter how you slice it, probably about 90% of the world's population believe there is an afterlife that includes some sort of place that resembles Heaven. Being a Christian myself, I am definitely looking forward to Heaven...the questions answered, the Glory that will unfold in front of me, Everlasting Life...yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Not that I want to go there today, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that would be my destination. Final answer. Lock it in.

However, not as many people believe in Hell. I don't care how twisted a human mind is, or how much devastation has happened, or how abhorrent living conditions are, nothing, nothing  will compare to the actual place. Take your worst nightmare and multiply it by 10,000x10,000, and you still won't be able to come up with the horrors one faces in that place. Many people who have had near-death experiences have tried to describe this place, and most times, words fail them. Those who are able to describe the horrors talk about flesh dissolving at an enormously slow pace, worms eating at the body, people burning with fire for eternity. And a good portion of these people aren't crackpots, either. They're intelligent, functioning members of society. They're scientists, doctors, lawyers, business people...of course there are some who are a bubble off, but the majority of the people are degree-carrying individuals. Respected members of society...and most were atheists before it happened.

Let me ask you a question. If you were offered an opportunity to escape Hell, a gift that would ensure you would never go there once you died, would you take it? No hoops to jump through, no rituals to perform, just an acknowledgment and acceptance of this gift, would you take it? Or would you refuse it, preferring to take your chances, as it were?

The gift I'm talking about is salvation through Jesus Christ. All you have to do is to sincerely accept that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was sacrificed on a cross, and rose again, defeating death and hell forever. Accepting Him into your life as your Lord and Savior ensures Eternal Life...the kind in Heaven, not Hell. The works, the changes, come as you walk in love, trust and obedience to Him and His Word...some happen immediately, some take a lifetime to overcome, but the changes come to those who are sincere.

What about the "deathbed" confessions? Remember the thieves on the other crosses? One mocked Him, told Him that if He were really the Messiah to get off the cross and get them off, too. But seriously, what good would that have done? The sinless sacrifice had to be made. Jesus had to take the weight of all of our sins, past, present, and future, on His sinless shoulders in order for us to be able to be called His Children. That's right...once you become a Child of God, all of your sins are forgiven...they're remembered no more. However, that doesn't mean that you don't face the consequences for those things that you do that are wrong. For instance...you drink, you drive, you get a DWI, you face the consequences. Once you ask for forgiveness from God, that sin is forgiven, however the consequences still have to be dealt with. The Bible says that just because we have the ability to do all things, doesn't mean we should (paraphrased by me). We do something that we know is wrong, just like when we discipline our own children, we will pay for the wrongdoing. When we discipline our own children, does that mean that we turn our backs on them, or tell them they are no longer ours? No! And neither does God, but we have to take responsibility for our actions, even if, and really more so because we are a Child of the King. The other thief was angry, telling the other man that Jesus had done nothing wrong. They had a lifetime of crime and their punishment was just, Jesus had committed no crime, and His punishment was not just. Then the second thief asked Jesus to remember him when He went to Glory. Jesus told him that this day, that thief would stand with Him in Eternity. That thief accepted Jesus' sacrifice...he knew why, in his heart of hearts (the speculation is that he may have heard Jesus' sermons or lessons during the time He was ministering to the people), why Jesus was there and accepted the gift.

Folks, Hell is a real place. For me, I know in my heart it is...I know in my mind it is...and my soul, oh yeah, really believes it. If, by some weird chance I am wrong, then I have lived a life that reflects love, respect, and charity. I will not regret a single thing. Then I will die, be buried or cremated, and then return to the dust. If I'm right (which for me, there is not "if"), then when I die, I will be swept to Heaven, where there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain. I will receive my resurrected body that will be perfection, and I will know and see everything that I have always wanted to, as I walk those streets of pure gold. I will be able to walk with Jesus, and hear everything that He has always wanted me to hear, I will see the times He protected me, the times He rejoiced with me, and the times He held me when I was so devastated that I wanted to give up. And I will see God, face to face...the Apostles, and the angels...oh! What a sight that will be!

So now, my final question is this. Are you willing to take that chance? Are you willing to ignore this invitation to accept Christ in your life? If you are not willing, are you ready to face Hell when your life is finished? There will be no second chances when that last breath is taken. The lifetime of chances that you had to repent and accept Christ's gift of Salvation will be gone, and eternity will be eternal torment.

Hell is real. Are you listening now?


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