There is no crystal ball

No, there really isn't...I promise.

The Bible says in Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.

There is no promise of giving you the upcoming scenes, no promise to whisper in your ear that something evil this way comes. None, nada. What it does say is that your way will be lit by God, so that you can see the things in your path that will cause you to stumble or fall, and that the light will be there so that you are never in the dark. So why do people treat God as if He's a soothsayer, a prognosticator, or a genie?

My guess is, they don't know who He is. They haven't devoured the Word, heck, they haven't even tasted it. They know the basic verses, but couldn't tell you what part of the Bible its in, much less the chapter and verse number. The only reason some people know what John 3:16 is, is because they see a banner at some sporting event and know it to be Biblical. Could they quote it? Probably not. Can you?

I heard a minute bite on Psalm 119:105 last night as I was coming home from taking my Grandkids home. It dawned on me that I had never thought much about that verse, even though I knew it.
Having read the Bible several times cover to cover is admirable, and I have done it, but one needs to ponder on what they've read. I have read the Psalms many times, have studied them, even, but the 119th Psalm is a long one, and if you're not careful, you can zone out. Perhaps that's the case with me. I didn't remember it was in the 119th.
Anyway, I regress, and I'm distracted with "Renfield" cackling in the background as she watches and comments on a YouTube video she's currently watching. 

Getting back to this Psalm. How is it a lamp to my feet? Look around you, take a close look at what we live in on a day to day basis. Things that used to sicken our ancestors (i.e., grandparents and back), now are the norm to our kids. What used to be anti-social behavior (temper tantrums, confining oneself to their home and not coming out unless necessary, etc.), is now cause for media coverage. What was once evil, is now accepted. Our founding laws for the Republic in which we live, are being dissected, and/or discarded or disregarded continually, no one is wrong, unless you have offended someone or are a Christian or Conservative, then you are the devil incarnate. You are wrong, racist, a homophobe, evil, stupid, the list goes on and on. 
When you immerse yourself in the Bible, your actions and thoughts are brought into the light. You are able to see the missteps and misconceptions that you've held, as well as those that are contrary to the way that God had set up in the first place. You can clearly see, with the light of His Word, your appointed path with the Bible guiding you along said path. Morals, truth, even prophecy of the times to come (which some say the End Times are already here), are laid out in black and white for you to see, absorb, and apply to your life. The prophecies are there to prepare you and to assist you with your witness to others. Is it a crystal ball into your life? Yes and no, but mostly no. The only part that really speaks of your future is the part that tells you about your eternal soul, for each of us will depart this life, and there are two of which, contrary to popular belief, is not party central. You either go to Heaven or Hell. No in between, no layovers. It's non-stop to one of the two destinations, period. Heaven is described in the Bible as a beautiful jewel, with streets of gold so pure you can see through them. No more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain, no disease, hunger or want. A perfect place. 
Hell, on the other hand is described as a place where the flesh worm eats at the body constantly. The place of fire and brimstone, of pain, suffering, and sorrow, continuously. 
Tell me, why would anyone want to go there, or even more, why wouldn't you warn your loved ones about that place? You have the ability with the Bible to show others the description of both places. You have your testimony, your witness, your fruit of salvation to show them. Use it. You have the ability to come before the Father boldly through Jesus in prayer on your and their behalf. Use those prayers! Don't come to Him with a double mind, giving Him an out. Go boldly as the Bible tells you to!
I know if you read the commentaries on Psalm 119:105 that I'm slightly off their beaten path. But in essence, I agree with them. The Bible is both a lamp and a light. A lamp that shows you what is in your path so that you can be prepared for whatever the devil has thrown at you, and a lamp so that you can see where you stumble and fix it, repenting of the fact that you knew it was there and yet went there anyway. When the Holy Spirit lights the way, He will also warn's up to you to dodge the potholes, rocks and pine cones that mess you up. If you tell Him you see it, and yet continue on the way, don't cry foul if you come up with some bumps, bruises, or twisted ankles. He warns you through the Bible, and directs your path so that you can avoid the problems. 

So, now the question to you. What does this verse mean to you? How can you apply it to your everyday life? What do you need to do to ensure that you are following the Word of God?
I'm just going to leave it right there for you to ruminate on. 

Be blessed my friends. Have a wonderful week.


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