Goodbye 2018
...And as much as I'd like to say, "good riddance," I just can't bring myself to do so. Why? Because, despite the many things that were troublesome, had gone wrong, that were heart-wrenching, there were so many good things that happened. First, my oldest turned 35. Mouse, in all of her glory, had a special dinner at the restaurant of her choice (Red Robin...mmkay), and a birthday cake with a pink tardis on the top! What a hoot that was, and our server made that night even more special! It was a wonderful time had by our family. Our springtime brought a new sewer pipe system to our home. Goodbye tree roots through the pipe, and hello free-moving waste. LOL! Okay, that's a little weird to celebrate a new sewer pipe, but I'll tell you, it was indeed a cause for celebration! LOL! March brought birthdays 6 & 7 for my Granddaughters, and a wonderful birthday party for them. They had so much fun, complete with a bounce house and water fights. May brought...