About Mamaalways
Sometimes a little rain must fall...in this case, rain means legal-eze. So, without further ado, here is mine.
The blog, Mamaalways.blogspot.com is protected under copyright law (Copyright 2012-present. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED).
All blogs are opinions and creations of the author except where other works are indicated. The blog contents may be shared in their entirety, with Mamaalways.blogspot.com and the title of the blog intact. Any other use, including reproductions, propagation, modification and publication of portions of any of this blog, without permission of the author in writing, is prohibited.
The blog, Mamaalways.blogspot.com is protected under copyright law (Copyright 2012-present. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED).
All blogs are opinions and creations of the author except where other works are indicated. The blog contents may be shared in their entirety, with Mamaalways.blogspot.com and the title of the blog intact. Any other use, including reproductions, propagation, modification and publication of portions of any of this blog, without permission of the author in writing, is prohibited.