Dead end ahead
This year is something else, I'll tell you. I could go over the list, but I think most of you have the gist of the reality that is this year.
So, I'm going to bring a little more little black rain cloud to you. Sorry.
I have a friend, actually a few of them, who are sooo excited about the "new administration" that they are willing to alienate folks they know, they work with, they live with or are related to. They are excited about the socialized medicine, the everyone is equal thing, and so on and so forth. But there's a problem with this participation trophy type of thinking.
With socialism comes a lot of problems. For example. In 1934, some men in Germany were "rounded up". No, they weren't Jewish, or another of the targeted populations, nope. They were a group of men who were autistic, had Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or otherwise mentally retarded. These men were shipped to an asylum for a short amount of time, then determining they were a drain on society, were sent to work camps where they were "put out of their misery". Exterminated. Murdered. If you don't think that can happen in this day and age, think again. A few European countries "euthanize" folks like that now. Quality of life, is how they explain it. Tell me something...if these folks have a low quality of life, then tell the actors, models, and business owners who have Down Syndrome. Tell those who are autistic, the authors, physicists, that their lives don't matter. Go ahead, I can wait.
While we're on socialized medicine, let me show you this beauty. In socialized medicine, if you have a pre-existing condition, which, anyone who had or has COVID now does, then your status on the medical food chain just dropped a notch or twenty. Depending on your age and/or your possible contribution to society, you might just get a pass and be allowed to be treated in a timely fashion, but heaven help you if you are old, special needs, or that pre-existing condition has you disabled. You are now a drain on society, you might get palliative care. Maybe. My dad, who is 82 years old had a stroke going on three years ago. was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer roughly around ten or so years ago, probably longer. In socialized medicine, he might get something to "keep him comfortable" but nothing to cure what is going on. Keep that in mind when your own mother or father is struggling along and needs medical attention.
Education will take a direct hit. In socialist regimes, education is indoctrination. The children learn what the government wants them to learn. The few lucky that they believe are going to be superstars are singled out and groomed. Ridiculous you say? That's exactly what Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy did. Or better yet, ask anyone who sought asylum here from Cuba or Honduras.
Police protection? Think again. The police will protect who they are told to protect. They will be government funded more than they are now, thusly putting each and every department under the thumbs of the powers that be. They will be controlled, and so will you. First and Second Amendment rights? Psh...those will be right out the window. Your right to bear arms will no longer be a right, it will be a crime. The population will be "well protected, and have no need to arm themselves." Welcome to Nazi Germany.
Ownership of property? Again, nope. You will be restricted on what you can own and how much you can own. Small business owners will be so heavily regulated and restricted that they could conceivably have a difficult time trying to stay afloat. Industries such as fossil fuels, steel, car manufacturing, and the like will be controlled by the government. There will be no person or family that will own these businesses. They will be heavily regulated. Farmers and will no longer be owners of your farm or your lands, no matter how many generations have owned it. They will be acquired by eminent domain laws. You will be told what to plant, when to plant and given a fraction of the small amount you already make. You will be heavily regulated.
Food? Well, there will be shortages, probably government controlled. Remember seeing empty shelves this year? Get used to it, because disaster or no, some things will be sporadically distributed, "as the public requires." Again, welcome to Nazi Germany.
There are so many more areas that we will see the government take control. Maybe not all at once, as that will cause culture shock and rebellion. No, it will be a slow descent into hell that no one knew was coming. Detention camps will be utilized. We have them available and ready to use right here in the States. Rule breakers will be sent there, or sent to prison. Prison might be the better option, as those detention centers could turn ominous very quickly.
So, why am I sharing this? Because I fear that's where the USA is headed. It could have begun generations ago, it may begin with the new administration, or it could be further down the road, but make no mistake, the path is set, it's just a matter of bringing enough people into line, enough to cause just enough strife that some people will be afraid to leave their houses...and in reality, that is happening right now. Don't misunderstand, I know this virus is real, and to a point I understand the concern. But this will go beyond the virus to being terrified to walk out your front door, not knowing whether or not you will enter your home ever again.
If I am wrong, trust me, I will be the first to concede, but folks, the signs are all pointing to this very thing happening. This country, which was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, which is a Constitutional Republic (not a Democracy...sorry to burst your bubble) is on the fast track to be turned lock, stock and barrel into a country that we don't recognize. I understand there are issues that need to be resolved, racial and gender inequality, glass ceilings. The need to take care of our first responders, our military, our elderly, and not proverbially throw them under the bus, yes, these need to be addressed, and so many more issues. But the US is a melting pot, people from all races and tongues live here, most in harmony with their neighbors. To strip this Nation of the uniqueness of itself will destroy what we have always striven for...a Nation that exemplifies freedom, who chooses to embrace immigrants and asylum seekers (legal, thank you), and had the world seeking to emulate. Right now, the world is shaking it's head, and has been for longer than just a couple of administrations, but they're watching us. What was once the most powerful Nation in the world is erupting into chaos, and chanting for socialism. No matter what pretty word is put before socialism, it all boils down to the same concept. Government control of the land and population.
1984 has never been so real to me as it is now.
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