I know I've posted on this subject before, but...


Now, it feels different. 

In Joel 2:28, it says: And it will come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
And in Acts 2:17 it says: And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.

In this case I'm talking about dreams that feel as if they may be prophetic. Every once in a while a dystopian-type dream has my attention. These particular ones don't fade quickly like most dreams do, and despite the subject matter of the dream, I'm never afraid in them. You know the kind of dreams where you are being chased, are falling or something of that nature, when your fight or flight mode kicks in. Nope. These, regardless of how scary they might be, well, they don't scare me. 

About four months back I had a really interesting one. Again, the images have not faded and I can recall the few seconds of the dream. I know this portion was only a few seconds because I did not recall anything before, and I had only been in bed for less than ten minutes. In this dream, a person, not me, was walking along when they found themselves by a doorway. This person looked down and saw someone cowering, then turned around to see Jesus rapturing folks. These two people were not among them and I could feel the fear. Again, it wasn't me, I was observing in the third person, then I was gone, and had awakened. Not out of fear, but as if I was just waking up to go to the bathroom.

This latest dream had a lot to do with what's going on in this old world right now, except it was accelerated. Parts of it are fading, like how I got to where I was in the dream, but the nuts and bolts are still there, some four hours later. In it, a lot of stuff was going on in some sort of building. Don't know if it was an airport, train station or what. I was trying to turn around on something motorized and was having a difficult time doing so, but finally managed to. As I was going toward the front, a friend, not sure who, because his face was unfamiliar, mentioned that something poisonous just contaminated the waters, and now it was totally undrinkable and fish were dying. It was at that time a crowd developed around us and I told them, and my friend, that it's only going to become worse, that events like this are going to be coming faster and more furious. I also told them that they needed to repent and become saved. Some pooh-poohed me, others had a look of fear and I could sense that they were looking for any shelter in a storm. It was then that I awoke.

Now, I don't know about you, but the events of late have had me looking to the Eastern skies more and more often. Things that should scare me, the pandemic, unrest, the political yo-yo-ing, while they are concerning, and sometimes I get pretty angry, there's always a peace. Always. 

Last night, as I watched on the radar as Hurricane Nicholas made landfall in Matagorda, the peace was overwhelming. Before I went to bed, I watched the radar showing the bad rain coming our way, but then it looked like a wall was around our area, because the line would go in an absolute straight line and veer off east. Every. Single. Time. I told my daughter this morning that I wondered if we had an Iron Dome of sorts situated above our town. 

All this to say, folks, is that I'm asking y'all to evaluate where you are with God. Look at your relationship with Jesus...do you know about Him and accept that He exists or do you know Him, have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior? The things that are coming to pass right now tell me that it's going to get rougher from here, and folks are going to have some serious issues. Stuff is going to happen that has no earthly explanation. Now, you can go along and do nothing, but if you are concerned, I suggest you read the Bible. Yes, yes, a book written by a bunch of men over hundreds of years, but I will tell you that the consistency is there. Things that were prophesied over two millennia ago are coming to pass, and what's to come is just going to get uglier. Please, don't let another day pass before you accept Christ as your Savior. Remember, tomorrow is never promised.  


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